Hallucinogenics: Acid, Dust and ‘Shrooms Psychology 3506
Introduction Basically, substances that, at less than toxic doses,produce hallucination. LSD Hoffman Ingested.25 mg (that is a LOT of acid) Made illegal in the States (and here) in the early, mid 60s
LSD Usually taken orally, though hits can be taken anywhere with mucous membranes Mouth Eye Ummm, etc
LSD and other 5Ht like drugs About a 110 minute half life Magic Mushrooms are similar psilocybin Timothy Leary started out with these, Tune In, Turn on, Drop out Morning Glory Seeds Harmine Bufotenine (toad licking!)
NE and Ach like drugs and a few others…. MDMA STP Mescaline Nutmeg! Mandrake Deadly nightshade PCP (Angel Dust) Special K
Tolerance, etc. Develops quickly and disappears Little or no withdrawal Rarely self administered by non humans Biggest effects are perceptual
Bad stuff OD is exceedingly rare for acid and mushrooms Psychotic reactions are possible Flashbacks Chromosomal damage?