TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004 Aspects of recoil-ion -  correlations in atomic traps A reminder why (V-A, ?S + ?T) Energy scales  basic setup  RIMS Precision.


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Presentation transcript:

TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004 Aspects of recoil-ion -  correlations in atomic traps A reminder why (V-A, ?S + ?T) Energy scales  basic setup  RIMS Precision  what to watch out for (LBL).  + versus  - RIMS issues Preliminary setup

TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004 Motivation Standard Model  decay  duddud duuduu :pnpn:pnpn :pnpp:pnpp neutrino electron W±W± V - A (V +  S) – (A +  T) If not SM  Measure  - correlations

TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004 Correlations in  -decay R and D test both TRV D  most potential R  scalar and tensor (EDM, a) Learn the trade with “a”: ignore spin degrees of freedom

V 0 (keV) Principle idea MOT + RIMS MeV  detector MCP -V 0 +V 0 0 SM Not SM TOF  E // very efficient X,Y  E  for charged recoils start stop

TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004 Learn from other experiments TRIUMF: 38 K m (0 +  0 + ) a F =0.992(8)(5) promised:?(3)(3) LBL: 21 Na (3 + /2  3 + /2) a= 0.524±0.005 syst systematic error: 1.RIMS related 41% 2.Unwanted decays (off walls etc.) 26% 3.Beta detection 24% “work on RIMS”

TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004  + versus  -  + decay  recoil neutral (80%) 21 Na (11p + 10n)  21 Ne (10p + 11n) +  + 80% 19% 3% 0.3%  - decay  recoil 1 + : 80%  no good case (?) 25 Na (11p + 14n)  25 Mg (12p + 13n) +  - Neutrals not efficient MCP inefficient and tricky  + momentum  q-dist 2  background (511 keV)

TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004 RIMS scaled to  -decay Atomic physics –recoil  eV-meV  fields V/cm  -decay –recoil 0.1 keV  fields kV/cm –  -energy >> keV MeV MCP -V+V0 start stop TOF  E // TOF + r  E  TOF  Origin Affects “a” strongly z r -V  recoil da

TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004 Time scales and accuracy Resolution   1ns 2a = 10 cm qV   5 kV   1 eV Range > 400 ns (q=1) Dynamic range > 4  s r < 4 cm Time focus d=2a Position focus? Pileup? ……….??

Two realizations Setup at TRIUMF (Behr et al.) for 38m K (t 1/2 =0.93 s; 0 +  0 + ) 21 Na production Cooling stage Trapping & detection Freedman/Vetter setup LBL 21 Na

TAS workshop 30-31/3/2004 Conclusions Would have preferred  - emitter (background) RIMS is the trickiest part Need TOF+2D readout MCP (+ multi hit) Want 2D + energy of  Simulations needed (position and time focus) Separate production from trapping (background) Start working …..