Matrikon 20 November 2009 Matrikon Centre Retreat
CDSC and CARMA Dec 09 CARMA funded as University Priority Research Centre in Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its applications ( ) March 09 CARMA Inner Sanctum (V205) opens as extension to Access Grid Room (V206) July 09IS fully online May 09First student RAs hired Sept 09 FT Technical Officer Administrator hired Dr David Allingham Formal opening held October 30 th 2009opening 15 CARMA members Growing student numbers ARC Centre of Excellence for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control Retreat 20 November 2009 RMIT at opening V206
Interactive Phase Recovery in Cinderel la Consider the simplest case of a line A of height ® and the unit circle B. With the iteration becomes For ® 2 (0,1) the pictures are lovely but proofs escaped us until recently. A Cinderella picture of two steps from (4.2,-0.51) follows:Cinderella Borwein and Sims have the first proof of convergence for non-convex Douglas- Ratchford iterations (preprint Nov 2009): uses include protein folding, optical aberration, Sudoku, SAT.... Are studying optimization models/implementations of compressed sensing
Grief is in the GUI: local convergence is now proven...GUI Numerical errors Work started during Ulli Kortenkamp’s March visit to CARMA