The Second Vatican Council
Reasons for Calling the Council 20th Century bloodiest in history World Wars, Depression Cold War Complete work of Vatican I Recognize Church is no longer European, but Global
Intentions Aggiornamento Christ the fullness of Revelation
Pope John XXIII Angelo Roncalli Born in 1881 Joined the Priesthood Made a Bishop in 1921 Sent to Greece and Turkey 1953, Archbishop of Venice 1958, elected Pope
Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani Number 1 choice for Pope in 1958 Ultra conservative Faction of the Vatican Motto “Semper Idem” Election of Roncalli over Ottaviani reflect a desire for change
Structure of Vatican II Called by Pope John XXIII Pope Paul VI 2000-2500 bishops 4 sessions Met in fall Subcommittees worked on documents in winter and spring
Pope Paul VI: 1963-1978
Other notable Members
A True Ecumenical Council Invited other Christian denominations Other religious leaders present to observe
Results: 16 Major documents Outlining new and updated positions of the Church Up to the Present, largely defines the Church’s position
4 Constitutions Dei Verbum Lumen Gentium Gaudium Et Spes Sacrosanctum Concilium
9 Decrees Ad Gentes Apostolicam Actuositatem Christus Dominus Inter Mirifica Optatem Totius Presbyterorum Ordinis Orientalium Ecclesiarum Unitatis Redintegratio Perfectae Caritatis
3 Declarations Gravissimum Educationis Nostra Aetate Dignitatus Humane
Legacy of Vatican II “End of the Constantine Era” Global Church Matthew 24:14 and 28:19