When will Christ return?
Can we know the time? NoYes Matthew 24:36 Revelation 3:3 II Peter 3:10 Amos 3:7 I Thessalonians 5:4 Matthew 25:1-13
Can we know the time? No Matthew 24:36 Revelation 3:3 II Peter 3:10 “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son but the Father only.”
Can we know the time? No Matthew 24:36 Revelation 3:3 II Peter 3:10 “If you will not awake, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you.”
Can we know the time? No Matthew 24:36 Revelation 3:3 II Peter 3:10 “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.”
Can we know the time? Yes Amos 3:7 I Thessalonians 5:4 Matthew 25:1-13
Can we know the time? Yes Amos 3:7 I Thessalonians 5:4 Matthew 25:1-13 For the lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.
Can we know the time? Yes Amos 3:7 I Thessalonians 5:4 Matthew 25:1-13 But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light, children of the day.... So then let us not sleep, as others do.
Can we know the time? Yes Amos 3:7 I Thessalonians 5:4 Matthew 24:32-33 “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also when you see these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates.”
Can we know the time? Those who are ‘awake’, or prepared, will recognise the time as having arrived: I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams... Acts 2:17
Can we know the time? We can learn from the Pattern of Restoration:- Need a Foundation to receive the Messiah –Foundation of faith Central person Time period: 40, 21, 70 –Foundation of Substance Cain and Abel Leader and followers External and internal Religion and science/technology Hellenism and Hebraism Pattern of restoration
= Accomplishment of Restoration 5 % Human Responsibility + 95 % God’s Responsibility
Our Portion of ResponsibilityFulfilment God’s Plan Realised Restoration Completed
Our Portion of ResponsibilityFailure God’s Plan Not Realised Restoration Prolonged
CentralPerson Fulfils Responsibility God’s will accomplished Fails Responsibility New central person Similar situation New time
Pattern of Restoration Adam Abraham Noah Jacob Jacob to HaranJacobReturns Egypt Isaac
400 Slavery in Egypt Jewish History Abraham’s failure in the offering Jacob’s 12 sons and 70 kinsmen in Egypt Maintained their identity Pyramid building Moses - Pharaoh humbled Exodus Mount Sinai - Covenant and Torah Entered Promised Land Gen. 15:13
400 Slavery in Egypt Judges Jewish History Judges –Prophet, priest, king –12 tribes Struggles with Philistines “Went after other gods” Lack of unity between tribes
120 Slavery in Egypt Judges United Israelite Monarchy Jewish History Samuel anointed Saul –Lack of unity Samuel anointed David –Bathsheba & Uriah affair –Too much bloodshed Solomon built Temple –Married foreign women –Went after other gods BC Saul, David & Solomon, 3 x 40
400 Slavery in Egypt Judges United Israelite Monarchy Divided Kingdoms Jewish History Cain: Israel - Jeroboam –19 kings in 260 years –Prophets –No repentance –721 BC Assyrians Abel: Judah - Rehaboam –20 kings in 394 years –Prophets –Corruption –597 BC Babylonians Collapse of autocratic society BC Kingdom divided into Israel (North) and Judah (South)
210 Slavery in Egypt Judges United Israelite Monarchy Divided Kingdoms Exile and Return Jewish History Babylonian Exile –10,000 Jews – BC –Purification Return to Jerusalem –Edict Cyrus 538 BC –Rebuilding Temple –Ezra the Scribe 458 BC –Nehemiah 445 BC Captivity 70 years: BC Return 140 years: BC
400 BC – Birth of Christ 400 Slavery in Egypt Judges United Israelite Monarchy Divided Kingdoms Exile and Return Prep. for the Messiah Jewish History Malachi Other religious leaders –Buddha ( BC) –Confucius ( BC) –Socrates ( BC) Empire of Alexander the Great ( BC) –Spread Hellenism Synthesis Hebraism and Hellenism Roman Empire –Roads, Buildings –Pax Romana
Slavery in Egypt Judges Israelite Monarchy Divided Kingdoms Exile and Return Prep. for the Messiah Jewish History Jesus
Slavery in Egypt Judges Israelite Monarchy Divided Kingdoms Exile and Return Prep. for the Messiah Jewish History Jesus Killed
400 Slavery in Egypt Jewish HistoryChristian History Suffering under Rome Abraham’s failure in offering Jacob’s 12 sons and 70 kinsmen in Egypt Maintained identity Pyramid building Moses - Pharaoh humbled Mount Sinai - Covenant and Torah Entered Promised Land Jesus killed Jesus’ 12 apostles and 70 disciples in Roman Empire Persecution Established identity Constantine converted Church councils, Canon 392 Christianity becomes official religion Genesis 15:136 BC – 392 AD
400 Judges Church Patriarchs Jewish HistoryChristian History Judges –Prophet, priest, king –12 tribes Struggles with Philistines “Went after other gods” Lack of unity between tribes Patriarchs –Prophet, priest, king –5 Patriarchates Invasion of barbarians Influenced by paganism Doctrinal controversies Rise of Islam 392 – 800 CE
120 United Israelite Monarchy 120 Christian Empire Jewish HistoryChristian History Samuel anointed Saul Lack of unity Samuel anointed David Bathsheba & Uriah affair Solomon - Temple Married foreign women Went after other gods Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Donation of Constantine Struggle between Church and State Constant civil wars 1040 – 922 BCE 800 – 919 CE
400 Divided Kingdoms 400 Divided Empire Jewish HistoryChristian History Kingdom divided into Judah and Israel Rehaboam and Jeroboam Cain: Israel –19 kings in 260 years –Prophets, no repentance –721 BC Assyrians Abel: Judah –20 kings in 394 years –Prophets, corruption –597 BC Babylonians Collapse of autocratic society Empire divided East and West Franks - Germany and France Henry I ‘The Fowler’ crowned King of the Germans 919 Church divided East and West 1054 Vatican corruption Internal reformation: saints, monastics and scholars External chastisement: Crusades Decline of autocratic feudalism 922 – 597 BCE CE
210 Exile and Return 210 Papal Captivity & Return Jewish HistoryChristian History Babylonian Exile –10,000 Jews – BC –Purification Return to Jerusalem –Edict Cyrus 538 BC –Rebuilding Temple –Ezra the Scribe 458 BC –Nehemiah 445 BC Papal captivity –Avignon in France – Return to Rome –Papal Schism – –Council of Constance 1414 Reform movements –Wycliffe and Lollards –Jan Huss 70 years: BC 140 years: BC 70 years: years:
400 Prep. for the Messiah 400 Prep. for Second Advent Jewish HistoryChristian History Malachi Other religious leaders –Socrates ( BC) –Buddha ( BC) –Confucius ( BC) Roman Empire Synthesis Hebraism and Hellenism Renaissance Reformation Enlightenment Great Awakening Missionaries British Empire Democracy & free market Science & technology 400 BC – Birth of Christ 1517 (Martin Luther) to 1917 (400 years)
Slavery in Egypt Judges Israelite Monarchy Divided Kingdoms Exile and Return Prep. for the Messiah Suffering under Rome Church Patriarchs Christian Empire Divided Empire Papal Captivity & Return Prep. for 2nd Advent MalachiLuther 1517 Jewish HistoryChristian History