Deutsch 1 G Stunde. Montag, der 29. Oktober 2012 Deutsch 1, G Stunde Heute ist ein D- Tag Unit: Family & home Familie & Zuhause Question: Who / How is.


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Presentation transcript:

Deutsch 1 G Stunde

Montag, der 29. Oktober 2012 Deutsch 1, G Stunde Heute ist ein D- Tag Unit: Family & home Familie & Zuhause Question: Who / How is this person? Objectives: grade awareness assessment – who is this? the verb to be – in chart and context Unterricht: Welcher Tag ist heute? Wie ist das Wetter? Wie spät ist es? Üben - to practice Quiz: 5 Minuten running grade records how to fill in the chart Konjugation: to be - sein Fülle die Lücken - gemeinsam besprechen (S. 19 B) Hausaufgaben: nächste Seite -> erklären (explain)

üben - to practice Translate into German unemployed - employed old - young lazy healthy - unhealthy happy - unhappy funny - serious quiet - loud pretty - ugly sad mad Translate into German he comes from... she live in... her name is his name is

Hausaufgaben There is a presentation coming up - in German! You will talk about your imaginary family. You will have to introduce 4 members - they have to come from different states or countries. They can live in different cities. You will describe them with traits. You will also describe their appearance - which we will learn this week. During the presentation you will ask another classmate the question that fit the answers another student is giving. Start your presentation by describing 4 people in complete sentences: 1.where they are from 2.where they live old they are least two traits ( all family members have to have different traits) Think about your portfolio – see next page General Info about homework: It is always expected that you study your notes from the day and all previous vocabulary and concepts If you have any question, need help or for tutoring: please see me second lunch or after school! If you were absent or to hand in late work: see me second lunch or after school! Questions: see our website:

Portfolio The following items are required to be in the portfolio: First stories - first day handout with notes taken Language tree - English and German language highlighted German Federal States - handout with information filled in the blanks German Federal States – your notes from the presentations Alphabet Unit Reflection Conjugation chart with pronouns and at least one conjugated verb – highlight the conjugated endings All Quizzes (1-6 so far) with corrections See website:

Log-in information for Netbook Username: student ID Password: First letter of your first name – capitalized First letter of your last name – lower case Numbers for your birth-month – two digits Numbers for your birth-year – last two digits Male – add 01 or female – add 02