Magnetism from electricity
In 1820, Danish scientist Han Christian Oersted discovered accidently that when electricity passed through a wire…a magnetic field was created
Which way would the compass needles point if we placed them around the wire?
Without a current….with a current A magnetic field is induced by the current
Electromagnet A current carrying coil of wire with many loops is called an electromagnet
Superconducting electromagnets The most ignominious military use of superconductors may come with the deployment of "E- bombs". These are devices that make use of strong, superconductor-derived magnetic fields to create a fast, high-intensity electro- magnetic pulse (EMP) to disable an enemy's electronic equipment. Such a device saw its first use in wartime in March 2003 when US Forces attacked an Iraqi broadcast facility. attacked an Iraqi broadcast facility
Lab-Make an electromagnet als/slideshows/electromagnet/index.html als/slideshows/electromagnet/index.html file:///J:/ConceptualPhysicsWorksheets/Lab% 20- %20Making%20an%20Electromagnet%20Activ ity.htm file:///J:/ConceptualPhysicsWorksheets/Lab% 20- %20Making%20an%20Electromagnet%20Activ ity.htm
Magnetism and Electricity are related Magnetism from Electricity A moving charge (electron) a magnetic field Many moving charges (an electric current) produce a magnetic field Electricity from Magnetism