Waves, Light & Sound Light & Color Recap, Wrap-Up & movin’ on
How do we see? Light passes – through the cornea – Through the aqueous humor – Through the pupil – Through the lens – Through the vitreous humor And then is detected by the rods & cones of the retina
How light is focused depends on… – the shape of the cornea lens (which changes) eyeball
Light images are Upside down on the retina Transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve Flipped by the brain so we see them right side up
If images aren’t focused correctly… Vision problems occur – Myopia (nearsighted) Only see things close to you – Hyperopia (farsighted) Only see things far away from you – Presbyopia Farsightedness in old people – Astigmatism Blurred vision
Colors White is ALL colors of light reflected back at you Black is all colors of light absorbed and NONE reflected back at you When an object has color, you see that color reflected the most – Eg: a red apple appears red because only red light is reflected back at you
Primary Colors of Light Red Blue Green
Colors that Cones can sense: Red Blue Green (Are you SEEING a pattern here?)
Primary Colors of Pigments Dyes added to make colors – Cyan (blue) – Magenta (pink) – Yellow