Cornerstone/Saba Replacement People & Organization Learning Management System Implementation August 15, 2013
Executive Summary Business Problem: Sony Pictures Entertainment’s (SPE) People & Organization (P&O) department launched the SABA Performance Management and Learning Management system (LMS) in 2011, myCareer. P&O had decided to hold off on turning on the Talent Management piece of SABA. SABA has proven to be a difficult vendor to work with over the years both from a system requirements perspective and SABA resource turnovers. Towards the end of calendar year 2012, IT funded a $90K project for P&O to complete a Talent Management/Succession Planning proof of concept using Workday which was very successful. At the end of FY13, P&O also decided to leverage Workday’s Performance Management suite for the FY14 calendar year and started exploring replacements for the last remaining component of SABA, the learning management system. Our SABA contract expires in October 2013 and the purpose of this project is to implement a new learning management system to replace the SABA LMS.
Proposed Solution Implement a robust LMS solution, Cornerstone, to effectively manage SPE training needs True SAAS model Preferred Workday Partner Excellent UI and solid technical capabilities Integration with Oaktree Training Force IT employees will be able to search both P&O and ITDL catalogs from Cornerstone Course completion information will be passed from Oaktree Training Force to Cornerstone
Financial Summary
Benefits Category $ Benefit Description Cost Reduction / Avoidance FY14 - $ 38,064 FY15-FY18 - $152,256 Platform annual subscription fee reduction
Timeline FY13 FY14 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar June Select Vendor Partner Contracts Requirements & Analysis Obtain Funds Configuration & Validation Training Deployment