Project roles and responsibilities 3.3.1
This presentation covers: The roles and responsibilities of the following members of a project team: Project manager Systems analyst Systems designer Programmer Testing
Introduction There are many jobs which need to be completed when creating any system. Those jobs could be handled by different people or by a single person. Depending on the size of the team/job! This presentation looks at what jobs need to be carried out under each role.
Project Manager This person plans and controls the progress of the project. They are also responsible for fixing any problems that might arise, including, problems with budgets and time scales. They are responsible for: Reporting to the end user any project updates Rescheduling any tasks if there is time slippage Reallocating staff and money. Creating report documentation Moving the project onto the next iteration of the system life cycle.
Systems Analyst This person is tasked with analysing the current system to see if it is suitable for upgrading. They must then use their findings to develop a plan for developing the proposed system including: What procedures will be involved What data needs to be inputted What software and hardware is needed How data will be outputted Training methods The analyst is the first person to really liaise with the end-user.
Systems Designer This person will take the findings of the system analyst and design a workable solution. Often the role of system analyst and designer are carried out by the same person and this role will be carried forward until the system is implemented.
Systems Designer The responsibilities include: Completing the requirements analysis Working with programmers and end-users Planning and designing the system Confirming the systems analyst’s proposals: Choice of hardware, software, network requirements etc Developing, documenting, and revising system design procedures, test procedures and quality standards. Creating an architectural design with the necessary specifications for the hardware, software, data and staff resources.
Programmer A programmer can either be a specialist or a generalist. Some more complex systems might need a specialist programmer to create the solution. Air traffic control Power stations
Programmer They are responsible for programming a new solution or modifying a current solution. Once the solution has been created they are then responsible for creating the technical documentation.
Tester Once a system has been implemented testing needs to take place to find any bugs that might be in the system. This is the task of the tester. Their role is to try and ‘break’ the system. They will need to develop and deploy test plans that thoroughly test a system.
Tester Testing should include a variety of tests including: Normal Abnormal Extreme White box Black box