Title: The World Cup and Trade – Is it a fair sport? Lesson Objective: 1.To know what trade is 2.To empathise with people who suffer from unfairness – and understand how this could be linked to the World Cup.
Starter: What do you think Fair Trade is? (write in full sentences). Use the images to help you.
Fair trade is when producers are guaranteed a fair price for what they grow e/g coffee.
Geography at the movies Development Second movie down “Nike”
Time for you to experience what it is like to be treated in a unfair way.... (Link to the World Cup) We are all going to go outside. Some of us are going to play a game of unfair football. The rules will be explained when outside. THE BEST OF BEHAVIOUR IS NEEDED FOR THIS ACTIVITY - OTHERWISE WE ARE BACK IN THE CLASSROOM DOING SILENT WORK! DO NOT LET YOURSELVES DOWN!
Mind Movie: This is to help you experience what it would be like to be treated in a unfair way!!! Put your head on the table and close your eyes. Listen to the short story being read out. After I have read the short story I am going to ask you to continue your own story in your heads (you have to imagine)
Unfair Trade – a poem Far away from my parent’s home I’ve come to work very hard I’m only 10 years old, My responsibilities are very bold Work is hard and pay is low But that’s the way my life will go. Making shoes for a living To help my parents not only On Thanksgiving. I would rather be at any school Education seems so cool It would help me in the future Maybe become someone’s tutor. But that is not the way for me, I’m hit screamed and shouted at. That’s the way my bosses are. Making children work so hard In conditions like an animal farm.