Cultural and Social Factors
Social Aspects Leisure Time Opportunities for leisure time has increased over recent years for the following reasons: -Higher levels of unemployment -A shorter working week -Part –time/shift work/flexible working hours -Technological advances
Social Aspects User Groups Due to the increase in leisure time local authorities and private clubs have had to deal with the increased need. They have set up special provision for particular user groups. Examples of these user groups are: - Mothers and toddlers - Unemployed - Shift Workers
Social Aspects Fairness & Social Responsibility Anyone taking part in sport is expected to do so in the correct way and follow the etiquette of the sport. “Etiquette is the unwritten rules or conventions of any activity” Examples include kicking the ball out in football when someone is injured and shaking hands at the end of a game.
Social Groupings Peers “Peer group is people of the same age and status as you” Your peer group can have both positive and negative effects They may encourage you to join a sport or physical activity, which you may then enjoy. They may have a negative view on a sport you want to do and this may put you of competing e.g. Ballet.
Social Groupings Family Your family can also have positive and negative influences on you. Positive influences include: -Financial backing (paying for subs/equipment/training etc) -Lifts and time -Role models -Encouragement
Social Groupings Family Negative influences include: -Reverse of positives (lack of financial support/time/transport etc) -Negative experiences within the family may lead to them putting you off a sport. -Pressure to concentrate on academic work rather than sport.
Social Groupings Gender Factors that may impact on gender are: -Stereotyping -Physiological differences -More opportunities than there have ever been
Social Groupings Ethnicity Ethnic background can be a factor especially in a culture where women are not encouraged to take part in PE. This is usually due to religious grounds owing to constraints on what they are required to wear.