Your Professional Image Chapter Edition
First impressions –the gateway to : *job interviews *new clients (customers) *building a professional image Positive impact: *it is vital to look and act your absolute best when in public ***take care in what you post on social media (loss of job/clients)
Factors that create a professional image: How you look is often the first clue to determining if you have what it takes to do the job*site/scaled-ima...
Other factors: Professional behavior Positive attitude Team camaraderie Good communications skills Proper ergonomics Present a great total package
General Health (not in chapter/need to know- Slides 5-10 Nutrients supply the body with energy Relaxation represents a change of pace from your daily routine Adequate sleep is essential to function efficiently
Shoes-wear low, broad heels with cushioned insoles A podiatrist is a foot doctor If facial hair is worn, it needs to be neatly trimmed and groomed at all times
Surface image: – Graciousness of your speech – How pleasing your voice is – How you stand and carry yourself – Facial expressions you show
Achieving balance in your life is the key to leading a happy and productive life The word health comes from the old English word Hal, meaning whole A cosmetologist is also a caregiver
Good nutrition includes: ~ maintaining a healthy weight ~ nutrient-packed food ~ staying hydrated ~ eating a wide variety of food large-eat-healthy-food-691x759/
Stress is defined as the inability to cope with a threat, real or imagined, to our well being that results in a series of responses and adaptations by our minds and bodies Stress can be any situation that causes tension
Personal Hygiene Daily maintenance of cleanliness by practicing good healthful habits You-close proximity to clients If you smell offensive-clients will not return, and tell others about their bad experience Always be neat, clean, and have a pleasant scent
Hygiene Pack Toothbrush and toothpaste Mouthwash Sanitizing wipes/liquid Dental floss Deodorant or antiperspirant
Guidelines Wash your hands often Use deodorant or antiperspirant Brush and floss your teeth, use mouthwash or breath mints Do self-checks periodically Do not smoke at work (it stinks!) (if you do, brush your teeth, use mouthwash, wash your hands afterwards) Read Caution Box pg. 40
Personal Grooming Salon owners and managers view appearance and personality as important as technical skills Personal grooming-process of caring for parts of the body and maintaining an overall polished look Reflects one’s personal grooming habits
Dress for Success Wardrobe-express professional image Consistent with the image of the salon Professional Image : impression YOU project through both your outward appearance and your conduct
Clothes must be clean Avoid leaning on counters Salon policy-wear aprons, dress code (examples of salon culture and how stylists can dress for success) jpg Shopping for clothes: visualize how you will look while performing services (consider body type and shape) Tune into the salon’s culture
***Be guided by the salon dress code – (second reason teenagers get fired from most jobs is clothing violations – first is not showing up for work or using cell phones on the clock.) bm=isch&tbnid=M7299moE5Q4AQM
Clean Fresh Current with fashion Functional, comfortable, and stylish Supportive and properly fitting undergarments Accessorize – Jewelry does not clank and jingle ***Necklaces that are too long
Shoes Comfortable Low heel Good arch support Ill-fitting shoes or high heels not the best choice ***can lead to problems and fatigue
Hair Maintenance Up-to-date hairstyle Keep cut and color fresh You are a walking billboard!!
Skin Care and Makeup Promotes a professional image Skin care regimen for your skin type Enhance facial features ***Mask your less flattering features Apply makeup PRIOR to arriving to work or school
Nail Care Nail length-personal style Maintain their appearance Chipped polish/broken nails-not a regular occurence
Professional Behavior Positive attitude-principles in developing a professional image Be considerate, respectful Politeness –hallmark of professionalism Cooperating with colleagues ***and clients
Communication Online-easily misunderstood Establish a professional online image Read Do’s and Dont’s
Employ Proper Ergonomics to Protect Your Body Physical presentation- Involves your posture, and the way you walk and move Good posture: Conveys an image of confidence Prevent fatigue and other problems
Sitting or standing improperly ~great deal of stress on neck, shoulders, back, and legs
Good posture can allow you to feel good and do your best work (need 3 for test) Standing Neck elongated and balanced directly above shoulders Lift upper body – Chest out and up – Do not slouch Hold shoulders level and relaxed – not scrunched up Sit with your back straight Pull in abdomen
Add to side bar: Sitting: (need 3 for test) Keep feet flat on floor Do not cross feet or legs Do not bend forward
Body Movement Muscles and bones work together musculoskeletal system Ergonomics Science of designing the workplace, equipment, and tools to make specific body movements more comfortable, efficient, and safe Add : study of human characteristics for the specific work environment
Hydraulic chairs Ergonomically designed scissors ~eliminates hand fatigue Add: Blow dryers
Cosmetologists report carpal tunnel syndome and back injuries Problems with hands, wrists, shoulders, neck, back, feet and legs Prevention is the key to avoiding these problems Repetitive motions have a cumulative effect on muscles and joints
Monitor Yourself Are you….? Gripping or squeezing implements too tightly? Bending your wrist up or down repeatedly? Holding your arms away from your body? Holding your elbows at more than 60° angle from your body? Bending forward and /or twisting your body to get closer to your client?
Avoid injuries: Keep wrists in a straight or neutral position Do not reach for your clients Use ergonomically designed implements Keep back and neck straight Stand on an anti-fatigue mat Standing: legs hip-width apart bend knees slightly align your truck with abdomen
Counter the negative impact of repetitive the motions by stretching and walking around at intervals Always put your well-being first Do Activity /76094_Full.jpg / main_Full.jpg