Participatory Rural Appraisal Suchint Simaraks February 2010 Khon Kaen
If you want to successfully implement a project “ eco -village” why should you apply “participatory approach”?
Failure to take poor into account Failure to get long term adoption Creating conflict Widening rich-poor gap, individual Failure to create ownership Dependency Outsider domination Ignore local wisdom Mono-policy Etc.
Methods and tools development history Researche r centered Learning from people Participatory learning People centered Before present + Productivi ty Sustainab ility RRA AA FSR Famine Productivity Green revolution Socio-economic survey + Environm ent Pollution Globaliza tion New diseases Informat ion Participa tion F to F Empower ment PAR and others + Competition/sufficienc Global warming Ecology and harmony Ethic Diversity Food security Community planning Knowledge and learning Facilitation Microcredit, accounting Modeling and DSS
Concepts Related to PRA Bottle up – to down People center/ownership/management /participation Civil society Leaning/interactive Sustainability (society, ecology, economic) Local-global (identity and cultural systems) Vertical-Horizontal Relationship
- Empowerment/self reliance - Facilitation/Process tools - Behavioral change (Insider - outsider) - Information gathering-knowledge reaction - Action/planning (PAR) Concepts Related to PRA (Con.,)
What is RRA or PRA? Why it is important in terms of development ? How it is carried out?
Information PRA Communication tool Site/size Structure Function Process Event Organization Decision making Talking Tool (Conceptual) Assessment Homestay Individual Group Time Diagram Picture Conceptual frame work Eclectic (What, Where, When, Who) (How, How much) System thinking (Why, How, If) (Main helpers) S. Simaraks, FSR-KKU,1998 Observation Measurement Map Table
Emergence J From RRA with more emphasis on participatory approach by rural people
O Methodology for learning together with local people their environment potentialand limitations Principles Triangulation, flexibility and facilitation d PRA emphasizes on working with local, rural people
Employing secondarydata, semi-structured interview, direct observation, tools, system concept No fixed questionnairefor the interview Interactive, iterative Indigenous technical knowledge (ITK)
Giving more roles torural people, peoplecenter, for developmen Rural people also learn Facilitation, awareness, self-critical and responsibility Empowerment of the local people for sustainable development
Behavioral changes of the users and localpeople Increase capability ofthe rural people such as, organization, management, decision making Sustainable organization and management of the rural community
Topic of Interest System ThinkingBrain storming Participation Conceptual FrameworkEight Helpers Subtopic or interview guide SSI
J Listening and questioning power J Knowing background of members J Objective clarification J Respect everybody’s opinion J Clarification of agreements J Setting the processes J Awareness of opportunities to development J Stimulating discussion J Building creative and positive attitude Skill to be developed for facilitation
J Try to get everybody involved J Ability to create commitment and responsibility J Ability to differentiate processes and outputs J Holistic and hierarchical perception J Teamwork ability J Monitoring and learning