GCOOS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Biloxi MS, U.S.A August 2010 M. in. C. Salomón Díaz Mondragón ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MINISTRY National Ocean Information and Monitorig Capabilities in México
2 Administrative Regions in México 1.Gulf of California 2.North Pacific 4.South Pacific 3.Gulf of México and Caribe U.S.A Central America
3 Information and Monitoring Needs Context There is a lot of academic and government information but is dispersed (not integrated), not in the same database formats, not always available for all the people Information is duplicated, is not complementary, is located regionally. Decision making and academic research is not linked effectively Partial monitoring Needs Networks, information systems and monitoring systems Shared databases Link between government (decision making) and academic institutions (research)
4 Information and monitoring efforts in Mexico 1.National Biodiversity Information System 2.National Water Quality Monitoring System 3.National Risk Atlas 4.National Fisheries Chart (fisheries health) 5.National Environmental Information System 6.Gulf of Mexico Coast and Marine Plan 7.PEMEX Metaoceanic project (Buoys) 8.Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem Project 9.Natural Protected Areas Monitoring System 10.National Ocean Commissions, International projects…
5 National efforts for integrated monitoring: CIMARES CIMARES: Coast and Marine Inter-Ministerial Commission Creation date: June, 13, Created by presidential agreement. Objective: coordinate the actions of the dependences and entities of the Federal Public Administration to the formulation and instrumentation of national policy for the management and sustainable development of the Seas and Coasts of México..
6 Social quality Economics and competitivity Ecological process International agenda Science and technology Planning integration Land and Sea Use Planning Integral Administration for de sustainable developement SUBCOMMISSIONS Priorities Working Groups Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 National efforts for integrated monitoring: CIMARES Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Group 7
7 Advances National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Inventory Mapping the location of the institutional equipment CIMARES: Science and Technology Group Objective Create a monitoring system to support the decisions for the sustainable development of the seas and coasts of México Oceanographic Vessel Mobile Buoy Tide Station
Institution National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Inventory (advances) Secretaria de Marina (SEMAR) Instituto Mexicano de Transporte (IMT-Secretaría de Comunicaciones y transportes) Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) Centro de investigación científica y educación superior de Ensenada Baja California (CICESE) Sites
9 National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Inventory (equipment)
CIMARES: Gulf of México Oil Spill Group 7 Coordination Meetings (plus regional meetings) Monitoring National Contingency Plan Some actions: Inter-ministerial coordination National Environmental Action Plan Expert workshop Training (oiled fauna) Tracking (monitoring cruisers, remote sensing) Oil spill hidrodynamic model International Meeting (New Orleans) Binational Meeting (Washington) Gulf of Mexico Alliance All Hands Meeting May 25, General Report June 3, 2010 installation 3 sub-groups Legal
CIMARES: Gulf of México Oil Spill Group
12 (february, 3, 2003) Committee Installation CONACIO: National Oceanographic Research Commission Objectives: Analyze, propose and coordinate actions and activities of the Federal Public Administration Agencies, as well as Universities and Educational Institutions dedicated to oceanographic research Promote inter-agency and cross-sectorial agreements for integrated management of productive activities and sustainable use of coastal and ocean Promote actions to reverse ecosystem degradation under national or international collaborative basis National efforts for integrated monitoring: CONACIO
National Oceanographic Data Center (CONACIO-UABC Proposal)
Data providers (researchers, projects, research cruises, observation platforms) sent data to a central or regional oceanographic data centre. National Oceanographic Data Center (CONACIO-UABC Proposal)
Gulf of Mexico Coast and Marine Plan Characterization Regionalization Marine region Land coastal region Hidrography Marine geology Marine geomorphology / Bathymetry Hydrodynamics Primary productivity & temperature MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL UNIT Geomorphology Land use & vegetation LAND COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL UNIT
Gulf of Mexico Coast and Marine Plan Diagnostic (Example of suitability) Land zoning Marine zoning Total regionalization Sectoral suitability Sectoral interactions Pressure Vulnerability fragility Environmental hazards Compatibility Land suitability Environmental management units Tourism Ports and Commerce Tourism Ports Industrial fishing Oil energy Electric energy Security Conservation Artesanal Fishing Fishing ports
17 National Environmental and Natural Resources Information System
Sitios Prioritarios para la conservación de la biodiversidad marina: 105. GAP Analysis Priority Sites
19 GCOOS Objective Agreement between SEMARNAT and the GCOOS-USA Association (February 26, 2010) Provide opportune information for national security, sustainable use of the marine ecosystems, conservation and restoration, diminution of the risk and public health. Information and Monitoring International Projects GCOOS
20 Objective Most important Activities Two international seminars: Two regional “nodes”: BCS and Yucatan Scientific Council, Financial Council, Executive Committee (next step) Working groups and identification of priority issues Agreement between SEMARNAT and the French Government (April 26, 2010) Contribute to decision making and planning for sustainable development of Mexican oceans and coasts Information and Monitoring International Projects Cousteau Observatory
21 COUSTEAU OBSERVATORY Standarization National Ocean and Coast Policy Information and Monitoring Integration Oceanographic Information and Monitoring
22 Improve access to information (easier access) Avoid duplicated information (better coordination between data providers and users) Reduce monitoring gaps (define priorities, increase the information) Better response to contingencies Better decision making for sustainable development of oceans and coasts Difficulties and challenges