From the director of ‘Strange Animals From Perù’ Another brand new presentation baffi And ‘London’ beans
Frank Fry pictures PRESENT and
New York City
Everybody knows that New York is the most famous city of the… Here! It’s on the Hudson River, on the Atlantic coast of the States, the East Coast
The most famous monument in NY are probably… The Statue of Liberty
And Brooklin Bridge
The typical buildings you can find in New York City are the
Even by night New York never stops… This is Times Square
Lots of people from all the world live in New York This is Chinatown
But New York is also where the most terrible tragedy happened: 11 th September 2001 Now
Remember, but now cheer up!
If you like nature and animals, there is a beautiful park, surrounded by the skyscrapers… Central Park
… home of the squirrels… …and of a Beatle…
This is Dakota Building, where John Lennon lived and died in 1981
Grand Central Station Clock Clock Where did you see that clock?… And finally…
The End © Luca