2010 Election- Victor Yanukovych Becomes Ukrainian President
Viktor YushchenkoViktor Yushchenko- 3 rd Pres. Ukraine Yushchenko was suppose to complete trade deal with the E.U., but alters and signed trade deal with Russia.
Massive Protest against Yanukovych Kiev, Independence Square, Pro- Western/European Ukraine’s protesting against pro-Russia agreement.
Response to the protestors…. Over time oppressive & harsh
Feb. 20- protestors were killed by military and police… Kiev 2014
Yanukovych fled the Ukrainian capital. Poster in KievEstate = Corruption
Poroshenko becomes new Ukrainian President
President Putin in Russia; was ally to Yanukovych ….
Russia annexed Crimea, March 2014 Putin say’s he sent in troops to support referendum vote in Crimea to join Russia.
2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine Pro- Russian Demonstrators in Eastern Ukraine. Russian Military Tanks in Eastern Ukraine
MH17 Malaysia plane crash in Ukraine Russian Army, or Ukrainian Rebels??? Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17.
Western Powers respond with Economic Sanctions against Russia.
Attempts for peace… fragile….
What do the Russian’s want? Speculation…
Poroshenko, Merkel (Germany) & V.P Biden, Munich- Feb. 2015…