Agendas Week 3 9/16-9/20
16.9.13 FHS Glöckner- Write the answers auf Deutsch 2+2= 3x2= 16/4= 17-10= Hausaufgaben Practice counting 0-20 auf Deutsch at home. Get a parent signature. Agenda #s listening activity Numbers Slapping Card Game Notizen- Subjects, Heiβen, & Sein Page #2, #6 (7 ONLY)
16.9.13 RMS Glöckner- Write the answers auf Deutsch 2+2= 3x2= 16/4= 17-10= Hausaufgaben Practice counting 0-20 auf Deutsch at home. Get a parent signature. Learning Objective- Demonstrate knowledge of greetings and goodbyes, numbers, and the German alphabet. Agenda: iPad apps Online practice in computer lab
17.9.13 RMS Glöckner Count 0-20 with your Strauss partner TWICE. Get their signature. Hausaufgaben Write #s 0-10 auf Deutsch Learning Objective- Listen and correctly identify #s in German Agenda Notes- Subjects & Heissen #s slapping game
Words you want to know Hump Day= Buckeltag Fish and Chips= Fisch und Pommes frites I quit= Ich gebe auf.
What is the formal way to ask someone’s name? Informal way? Agenda- 18.9.13 FHS Buckeltag Glöckner Conjugate heissen. (From notes on Montag) Hausaufgaben What is the formal way to ask someone’s name? Informal way? Agenda- Socrative Check packet answers Notes Wie alt bist du? Sein Verb Chart Heissen Partner Dialogue
18.9.13 RMS Glöckner What is the formal way to ask someone’s name? Informal way? Hausaufgaben Conjugate heissen. Learning Objective- Be able to conjugate the verb heissen and sein. Agenda- Notes- Verbs, ages, basic questions Listening Activity- #s Ich Wir Du Sie Er heisst Sie heisst Ihr Es heisst
Antwortet Wie heissen Sie? FORMAL Wie heisst du? INFORMAL HAUSAUFGABEN- Ich heisse Du heisst.
19.9.13 RMS Early release Glöckner- What do the following mean? Hausaufgaben Translate and answer- Wie alt bist du? Learning Objective- Be able to create a basic conversation in German. Agenda- Socrative Wie alt bist du? Start partner dialogue Ich Wir Du Er Sie Ihr Es
Quiz next Dienstag! (I will tell you what to study) 20.9.13 FHS Agenda Quiz next Dienstag! (I will tell you what to study) Watch dialogues- translate 5 (7 for extra credit) #s Slapping Game OR Goldfisch auf Deutsch Packet assignment #3 Page 3, page 5, and the rest of page 6. Glöckner How do you ask a boy or girl’s name? How do you ask who someone is? Hausaufgaben Translate and answer- How old are you?
What to study for the quiz… Greetings/Goodb yes (formal vs. informal) What’s your name? My name is… Who is the boy? Who is the girl?
Translating classmate’s dialogues Pick 5 people to translate, 7 for extra credit. You must write down THREE things you hear in their dialogue. Write down the partner names.
20.9.13 RMS Glöckner Ask the ages of everyone at your table, auf Deutsch. Write their answers auf Deutsch. Hausaufgaben Conjugate the verb sein. Learning Objective- Be able to create a basic conversation in German. Be able to understand a basic conversation in German by listening. Agenda Start partner dialogues
Notes Week 3
Numbers slapping game You will play in groups of 4 people Queen= 12 (Zwoelf) Each of you will have a deck of cards- you will divide the cards evenly among the 4 people King= 13 (Dreizehn) You keep doing this. If a person flips over a card that matches the number they say, the first person to SLAP the pile gets those cards. For example, a person who flips over a 7 card, and also says “SIEBEN” would be slap worthy! The person with the closest birthday goes first. You take turns flipping over one card of the cards you have counting from 1 on AUF DEUTSCH. For example, the first person to flip over a card says “Eins”, the next person to flip their card over will say “ZWEI.”. You count over 1-13. The winner is the person who has the most, if not all, the cards at the end of the game. Please be GENTLE slapping!!! ACE= 1 (Eins) Jack= 11 (Elf)
iPad apps Frau Pall’s weebly LEO Dictionary Quizlet StoryKit Puppet Pals 1 & 2 Haiku Deck Type on PDF
With your alligator partner… You will create a partner dialogue of two people talking. Feel free to be as creative as you want (use Leo Dictionary if you want to look up new words) You must make a rough draft and have Frau check it. When you are done, you will record the dialogue in Puppet Pals 1 or 2, ScreenChomp, or ToonTastic. Include: Two different greetings Both people asking each other’s names (Wie heisst du?) Both people asking how each other is (Wie geht’s?) Asking each other’s ages (Wie alt bist du?) Two goodbyes
Subjects Ich= I (eee-chh) Du= You informal (doo) Er= He (air) Sie= She (zee) Es= It (s) Wir= We (Vir) Ihr= Y’all (Ear) Sie= You formal (Zee) Sie= They (Zee)
Heiβen- to be called (name) Ich heiβe… (I am called/my name is) Du heiβt… (You [i] are called/your name is…) Er/Sie/Es heiβt… (He/She/It is called….) Wir heiβen… (We are called) Ihr heiβt… (Y’all are called…) Sie/sie heiβen…(They/you [f] are called.)… When asking a question, the VERB goes first. Heiβt du Mathias? (Are you called Matt?) Heiβen Sie Herr Braun? (Are you called Mr. Brown)? Heiβt sie Henrietta? (Is she called Henrietta?)
Sein- to be Ich bin (I am) (Eeech Bin) Du bist (You [i] are) (Doo bisst) Er/Sie/Es ist (He/she/it is) (Air/Zee/S ist) Wir sind (we are) (Vir zint) Ihr seid (Y’all are) (Ear zye-t) Sie/sie sind (They/you[f] are)… (Zee/zee zint) When asking a question, VERB goes first! Bist du Katharina? (Are you Katherine?) Ist er 15? (Is he 15 years old?)
Wie alt bist du? (Vee ah-ll-t bist doo?) How old are you? Ich bin ________Jahre alt. Eeech bin ______ yah-ra ah-lt. I am ____ years old. Bist du ____ Jahre alt? Are you ___ years old?
Der Jünge= boy Dare you-n-gah Das Mädchen= girl Das May-d-chin
Basic Questions… Wer ist das? Who is that? Wer ist das Mädchen? Who is the girl? Wer ist der Junge? Who is the boy? Wie heiβt das Mädchen? How is the girl called?/What’s her name? Wie heiβt der Junge? How is the boy called?/What’s his name?