Fermilab Accelerator Physics Program Vladimir Shiltsev.


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Presentation transcript:

Fermilab Accelerator Physics Program Vladimir Shiltsev

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12,  Run II and beyond  New Initiatives  MCTF and Muon Cooling experiment  Experimental Demonstration of Beam-Beam compensationContent

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Fermilab Accelerator Complex Two Collider Experiments CDF D0 Two neutrino Experiments NuMI MiniBooNE 120 GeV Fixed Target Experiments Ongoing program of Tevatron,  p source, Main Injector, and Recycler upgrades … One source of protons

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Run II  Proton-antiproton  980 GeV/beam  36 bunches/beam  Beta*=28cm  L_max=295e30 cm-2 s-1

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Run II  Major reasons of progress:  Recycler and e-cool  Tevatron dynamics and beta*  Tevatron reliability 140hrs/wk  SlipStacking in MI

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12,  8e12 ppp : Target Damage 3 Nickel disks Diameter:11.43 cm Height: 2.15 cm Air Cooled Capacity: 6x10 18 protons/disk - Takes ~ 5 weeks to consume one disk -Yield degraded by ~5% after this -Target lifetime is ~3 months

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Tevatron Improvements  Lattice measurements exploited new BPM electronics.  Tested after HEP prior to store termination.   * change implemented in September cm  * Optics Change

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Tevatron Improvements Separator Upgrade  Additional HV modules installed  Polarity reversing switches  Increased HV capacity Before Separator Upgrade After Separator Upgrade Comparison of luminosity evolution with model that does not include beam-beam effects.  Prior to separator upgrade a model without beam-beam does not well represent the data  After separator upgrade – beam-beam mitigated – model matches data

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Tevatron – Yet to Come Normal operating point between 4/7 and 3/5. Plan to move working point to vicinity of ½  40% more tune space  Greater chromatic effects

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Other Great Improvements Tevatron BPM upgrade  10 – 25  m Resolution (1/10 of before!)  Ability to measure antiproton orbits for the first time AA to Recycler transfer time  took >1 hr to unload Accumulator  now <15 min New Recycler working point Qh,v  was 0.414/0.418 – not optimal EC and SC  now 0.451/ much smaller emittances

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Run II summary  Enormous progress in the last two years  Peak luminosity increase by factor of 2.5  pb -1 /week integrated luminosity  2x increase in  p stacking rate since early 2005  More is expected   p stacking rate increase to ~30x10 10 /hr  More protons, and antiprotons  higher initial and integrated luminosity L 0 ~ 250x10 30 cm -2 s -1 (Last week had record L 0 = 295x10 30 cm -2 s -1 )  Ldt ~ 7 pb -1 /store ~ pb -1 /week  Run II total integrated luminosity of 7 fb -1 is within reach

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, After Run II?  Run II to end Sep 30, :59pm  Major operations shift to neutrino program:  120 GeV MI beam on target  ν’s 735km  ~180kW now  700kW (NoVA project)  employ recycler to slip stack  MI  Issues: e-cloud, SC, instabilities, dampers, halo  Long term future  ILC  2MW Proton Driver (issues as above)  Muon Collider (see below)  Advanced Accelerator R&D (see below)

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, s s Booster Recycler Injection Orbit Slipping Orbit Main Injector Previous Cycle Next Cycle To NuMI NoVA: Working Cycle Diagram

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Fermilab’s Accelerator Physics Center Accelerator Physics Center Technical Division Associate Director for Accelerators Accelerator Division Director  the APC be established May

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12,  Coordinate and conduct accelerator R&D aimed at next-generation and beyond accelerator facilities  Provide accelerator physics support for existing operational programs and the evolution thereof  Train accelerator scientists and engineers  Provide leadership and coordination in establishing the necessary facilities for a broad range of accelerator R&D that can be accessed by both Fermilab staff and the world HEP community Accelerator Physics Center: Mission

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12,  The goal of the Accelerator Physics Center is to provide enhanced emphasis on accelerator R&D activities aimed at Fermilab’s future beyond the end of current decade.  The APC will provide both a physical location and an org. structure that can accommodate accelerator scientists and engineers, either from Fermilab or outside institutions.  The APC will contribute to improvement of performance of the existing accelerator complex, and the development of new technologies and accelerator concepts that could enable new forefront facilities beyond the current decade.  In support of this primary goal, the APC will also increase Fermilab involvement in the education of accelerator scientists and engineers. Accelerator Physics Center: Goal

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, APC: Specific Programs  Programs that will be initially organized and managed by the APC, in either a primary or supporting role, include:  Accelerator physics for Run II, Proton Plan & SuperNuMI (supporting)  Simulations, design support & beam experiments for ILC (supporting)  Development of instruments for, and coordination of participation in, commissioning, beam studies, operations, upgrades at the LHC (primary)  HINS conceptual design and accelerator physics, including design and development of experiments and test facilities (primary)  Muon collider R&D, including design and development of experiments and test facilities (primary)  Development of generic theoretical and simulation tools for advanced accelerator calculations in areas of energy deposition, beam-beam and space-charge effects, linac emittance evolution, etc. (primary, w/CD)  Designing and coordinating programs of advanced accelerator R&D at the NML facility and possibly elsewhere (primary)  Accelerator theory and education: Host the USPAS Office, Accelerator PhD program, Peoples Fellows, and other accelerator education initiatives (primary)

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, APC: Components Experimental AARD US Particle Accel.School Accelerator PhD Program Peoples Fellows HINS Group Muon Collider R&D Group APC Head Admin Support Summer Student AccPhysProgram Energy Deposition LHC Accel.Syst. ILC Beam Physics Theory & Modeling

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, AARD Possibilities at NML  NML Linac: MeV ILC technology test  Fermilab wants to establish an AARD program at NML  Flexible beam injector needed to support various beam parameters (emittance, bunch charge, bunch length):  Unique beam parameters anticipated:  Record high peak current 14kA possible  ~20 um bunch length and size  Beam energy upto 800 MeV  Structure: 3000 bunches or witness bunch 300 um behind  Number of AARD experiments possible in NML itself:  one at low energy (50MeV), one-two at full energy (space!)  Building extension needed to provide area for 4-7 more  not from the ILC funds

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Input from AARD Community: Workshop  >30 participants (16 outside FNAL), ~20 talks  Focus on:  possible advanced accelerator R&D activities  infrastructure needed for that ?

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, NML AARD Workshop  Sessions chaired by K.J.Kim (ANL), J.Delayen (TJNAF), A.Mikhailichenko (Cornell)  Among very attractive proposals:  ILC crab-cavity test (low-energy beam 50 MeV)  ILC e+ SC undulator test ( MeV)  “ILC “keep alive” e+ source test (>500MeV, space!)  DR for Optical Stochastic Cooling experiment 4x7 m 250 MeV DR: Cornell, MIT, LBNL, FNAL, Universities importance for HEP: LHC, Muon Collider, RHIC  upto 1GeV/m in DLA structure (small beam size)  plasma wakefield with witness bunch  ultra-bright X-ray source (3000 bunches)  new diagn (optical replica, ODR), swept laser accel., etc

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, APC: NML Group  Mission:  The group takes a leading role in the design and development of beam generation and instrumentation components for the NML ILC test facility and associated Users Facility. The group is responsible for organization and carrying out research at the Users Facility and coordination of collaboration with ANL and local Universities on various beam experiments with MeV high-brightness electron beam.  People and Collaborators:  P.Piot (FNAL/NIU) leads the activity  Several AD scientists already involved  Argonne (AAI) interested to join and participate  Lots of interest from Universities

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Muon Collider Task Force  Formed in July’06 by FNAL Director:  “… the Muon Collider represents a possible long term path for extending the energy frontier in lepton collisions beyond 1 TeV…”  MCTF formed “…to develop a plan for an advanced R&D program aimed at the technologies required to support the long term prospects of a Muon Collider…”  leaders: S.Geer and V.Shiltsev  requested for Sept’2006: ”…a report outlining a plan for developing the Muon Collider concept based on recent ideas in the realm of ionization cooling, and an associated cooling R&D plan that can be implemented starting in FY2007”  “…expect to initiate the Muon Collider study… in 2007”

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, MCTF Report (  MCTF formed (details in S.Geer’s talk Tue AM):  FNAL(35 people), Muons Inc (5), BNL (6), LBNL(4), JLAB (5), ANL (1)  MCTF Proposal includes plan for:  Collider design studies and 6D cooling theory and simulations (talk by Yu.Alexahin Tue AM)  6D cooling and other experiments with 100’s MeV p/muon beams at Muon Test Area (A.Jansson Tue AM)  Design and development of Helical Cooling Channel magnets, 50T solenoids, MC dipoles (M.Lamm Tue AM)  MCTF activities are complimentary to NFMCC  MFMCC: MICE + MERIT + simulations  Requested funds: 2.8M$ in FY07, 4.2M$ in FY08

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, TeV c.o.m. Muon Collider Parameters for low emittance option: Energy per beam750 GeV Average luminosity3e34 cm -2 s -1 Repetition rate65 Hz Total # of muons1e11 # bunches10 β* at IP0.5 cm Transverse emittance2.1 mmmrad Proton driver power1.1 MW

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Helical Cooling Channel Muons, Inc

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Muon Beam at MTA N. Mokhov/V. Balbekov ~1e6 muons per pulse!

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Schematic of “Macroparticle” Experiment Position and angle measurement(plus emittance) beam in beam out Spectrometer Steering dipoles Position and angle measurement Spectrometer Position inside HCC x’ x x E t E t “High” intensity, could use beam diagnostics developed for secondary beamlines (simple and cheap).

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Overall scheme (A.Jansson)

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Tevatron: Beam-beam effects on protons At present, beam-beam effects are relatively stronger on protons, accounting for some 10-15% loss of the integrated luminosity. Proton loss rates vary greatly from bunch to bunch. The Tevatron Electron Lens #2 aligned on proton beam. ProtonsAntiprotons

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, ~1A of e-current7kV e-energy 3mm e-diameter~2 m long SC forces used to act on 980 GeV protons (or pbars) Tevatron Electron Lens for B-B-Comp’n

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, TEL2 e-beam aligned and timed on protons in spacein time P12 P11P10P9 A24 TEL Transverse e-p alignment is very important for minimization of noise effects and optimization of positive effects due to e-beam. Timing is important to keep protons on flat top of e-pulse – to minimize noise and maximize tune shift.

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, TEL2 on P12: 1 st hour of Store #5119 TEL2 current Bunch P36 – not affected by TEL2 Bunch P12 – TEL2 acts on it

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, TEL2 Improves Proton Bunch Lifetime

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, The Improvement Is Recurrent Store #5119 Store #5123 Store #5127

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Why does that happen? Bunch P12 has systematically the lowest vertical tune that reduces its lifetime (too close to 7/12 resonance). TEL2 can raise the tune up by Bunches are not equal!TEL2 moves Q v up

Vladimir Shiltsev MAP Collab Meeting March 12, Summary  Fermilab’s present is Run II (til Fall 2009)  Fermilab’s future is:  subMW neutrino program  ILC or/and Proton Driver (now both = SC RF devel)  Muon Collider R&D  Accelerator R&D  in Accelerator Physics Center  The APC will retain responsibility for coordination of inter-institutional collaborations in Adv.Accelerator R&D:  with other National Labs, Universities, international  closer ties with MAP collaborations are very welcome!

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