Medical Terminology Words
Ambu/o Walk
Cephal/o head
Concuss/o shaken together
Contus/o bruising
Ech/o sound
Encephal/o brain
Klept/o steal
Narc/o numbness, stupor
-phobia abnormal fear
Psycho/o mind
Somn/o Sleep
What is a reflex?
Acrophobia fear of high places
Amnesia disturbance in memory
Analgesic pain med
Aphasia Autistic unable to speak Abnormal development
Claustrophobia fear of being in a closed space
Cognition mental activity associated with thinking, , memory and learning
Delirium Dementia Reversible condition where person is suddenly confused, disoriented and unable to think clearly Progressive disease state of above not curable
Empathy Ability to understand another’s feeling without personally being involved
Inflammation of the brain Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
Too much cerebrospinal fluid in the brain Hydrocephalus Too much cerebrospinal fluid in the brain
Exaggerated or false physical or psychological symptoms to avoid work Malingering Exaggerated or false physical or psychological symptoms to avoid work
Narcolepsy uncontrollable periods of sleep and lethargy
Syncope Fainting