Georgia Perimeter College FY2011 Budget Transforming Lives, Strengthening Communities, Fostering Teamwork
Budgeted Revenue and Expenditures FY2010
Budgeted Revenue and Expenditures FY08 – FY10
Distribution of Budget FY2010
USG Expenditures per FTE FY2009
Two Year and State Colleges Expenditures by Function FY09
Setting the Stage for FY USG The state’s revenue collections declined below projection 1.1 percent in FY08, 10.5 percent FY09 and in the first two months of FY10 are down 13.7 percent compared to FY09. The University System is subject to the same budget pressures being faced and borne by all agencies of state government -- for FY09 the USG took $275 million in cuts to the base state appropriation, and in FY10 is seeing a withholding of an additional $115 million. Here are the decisions made with respect to USG budget cuts: –To USG employees: no raises, increased health care and pension plan costs and six mandatory furlough days. –To students: a mandatory fee and the end of the guaranteed tuition plan for fall 2009 incoming freshmen.
Setting the Stage for FY USG These reductions are having an effect on staffing. We now have more than 1,300 vacant positions throughout the System that have not been filled on a permanent basis – more than 500 of these are faculty. And we have laid off 146 employees. Federal stimulus funds provide some help, however, $92.6 million in stimulus funds discontinue in FY12, which is another permanent cut to our budget. As the USG responds to these budget challenges classroom instruction is our top priority. Dollars lost under these reductions will not be returned at a later date.
Setting the Stage for FY GPC GPC cut $7.6 million out of its budget during FY09 and the FY10 original budget. GPC has cut more than 50 positions out of the budget GPC submitted a reduction plan for 8% to the USG. We have also planned internally for a 10% reduction which now appears to be the minimum reduction. The institutional fee implemented in FY09 continued and has increased from $50 to $100. GPC received $3.3 million in Federal Stimulus funds in the FY10 original budget and an additional $1.6 million in December. These funds discontinue in FY12 GPC currently has a $6 million funding shortfall when compared to other two year and state colleges
Georgia Perimeter College FY2011 Budget Strategic Planning and Budgeting USG Budgeting Directives Enrollment/Revenue USG Funding FY2011 Institutional Budget President/ET Vice President Functional Units / Departments Strengthen Student Success Create and foster a culture of teamwork, leadership, quality service and continuous improvements Enhance the economic, social and cultural vitality of our communities Expand access and enrollment capacity * * * * GPC Strategic Plan USG Strategic Plan Renew excellence in undergraduate education to meet students’ 21 st century educational needs Create enrollment capacity to meet the needs of 100,000 additional students by 2020 Increase the USG’s participation in research & economic development to the benefit of a Global Georgia Strengthen the USG’s partnerships with the state’s other education agencies Maintain affordability so that money is not a barrier to participate in the benefits of higher education Increase efficiency, working as a System * * * * * *
Budget Calendar
Georgia Perimeter College Challenges, Issues, and Opportunities GPC currently has the lowest ratio of square footage in the University System and uses its classrooms more than twice the national benchmark. GPC’s employees continue to serve their students even with under market compensation levels. GPC continues to provide technologically advanced instruction although the need for additional information reporting infrastructure exists. GPC is expanding by taking possession of an entire building at the Alpharetta Center.
Georgia Perimeter College Challenges, Issues, and Opportunities GPC is opening a contact center to field the more than 1.7 million phone calls received by student services every year. Due to a reduction in P-Card use, GPC has processed 56% more purchase orders in the current year even with the need of additional staffing and funding. GPC maintains a 60%/40% Full Time to Part Time faculty ratio. To continue this, 50 new full time faculty are needed in FY2011. GPC’s enrollment services, student development and special programs must address the demand of increased enrollment to support student access and retention, improved operational and service delivery, creating efficiencies, and a positive student experience. As of this current reduction, we have reduced or have plans to reduce our operating budget by $14 million.
FY2011 Budget Request Summary
FY2011 Budget Request Summary - Detail
FY2011 Budget Request Summary – Detail (Continued)
FY2011 Anticipated Revenue
What’s Next? Functional unit requests must be prioritized and reduced. Linkage between requests, the GPC Strategic Plan, and the USG Strategic Plan must be established Operating budget worksheets must be distributed and completed The legislative session and BOR meetings must be monitored to help anticipate potential funding The President and VP’s will identify the final priorities for FY11 and funding