Agenda zGood writing and context zComputer use case assignment zSection assignment zElectronic communication and channel choice
Good writing z Good writing always depends on the context z For example, read the Navy memo on the next transparency (if you can) z Is it “good writing”?
Computer use case zTask: yTo summarize, interpret, and transmit relevant information zRequirements: yTo identify and convey relevant information yTo place information in a meaningful context yTo make information easily accessible to a busy reader
Ambiguity of information zHow will you look for something when you don’t in the least know what it is? How on earth are you going to set up something you don’t know as the object of your search? To put it another way, even if you come right up against it, how will you know what you have found is the thing you didn’t know? From Becoming a Manager by Linda Hill
Ambiguity of information zAmbiguity of information is the normal state of affairs in corporate America zPart of being an effective communicator is knowing how to analyze what a situation demands (tone, content, etc.)
Ambiguity of information z This assignment asks you to analyze the situation as well as the article z To succeed, you need to: ySet criteria for relevance yDetermine what background on the data is needed to make it meaningful yPresent the information in clearly, concisely, and in an easy-to-follow manner
Framing information zHow you frame information is critical to how it is received zExamples: xBased on the information in this article, I will explain why the Board should not pursue a Web presence. xThis article is not relevant at all to the Board’s decision, as I will explain in this memo. xThis article talks about...
The “relevance” test Executive Director’s View Your View
Framing information As part of my research on how use of the Internet impact’s Kids ReACT’s decision to invest in a web presence, the article “About Time, Computer Time,” is of limited use. While it does not focus directly on Internet use, it can offer some insight into A, B, and C.
Computer use case exercise zIf you brought a revised rough draft, work with a partner to review drafts zIf you did not bring a revised draft, complete the Situation Analysis exercise. yYou may work with a partner yYou must turn in the exercise yWe will discuss the Situation Analysis as a group when you have finished, so be ready to present your findings
Computer use case: Situation analysis zWhat data in the article relates directly to each of the ED’s concerns (numbered points in the assignment and the statement that follows these numbered points)? zWhat data in the article could suggest interpretations that are relevant to each concern?
Section assignment zGeneral check-in yQuestions or concerns about the exercise? yDifferences you’ve observed between your expectations the communication style of your Japanese partner group? yFirst and strategy document zGroup work time
Channel choice zSending a message via a particular channel affects how it is received (e.g. the Kmart memo would have a very different impact if it were delivered orally in a one-on-one meeting) zUse of multiple channels in one situation is sometimes required (e.g. a sales letter and follow up call or visit) zEach channel has strengths and weaknesses that make it suitable for certain contexts
Matching media to message zWhat is media richness? zWhat are “direct” and “indirect” media? zHow do these factors help determine message channel?
Media richness zRich (direct) media: yAllow immediate feedback yAre interactive yInclude “extra” information (body language, expression, etc.) zLean (indirect) media: yDo not allow immediate feedback (may not allow feedback at all) yDo not facilitate interaction yContain only one type of information (text)
Assignment zFinish your Computer Use Case memo zBe familiar with the Position Memo assignment (p. 14, syllabus)