Mann was born in Franklin, Massachusetts and lived a harder life than most. He wasn’t very wealthy and lived on the family farm. He was only allowed to go to school for three months out of the year but was extremely intelligent. Mann grew up under the orthodox Calvinist faith but rejected it when he turned 23 and became Unitarian Moved to Boston in 1833 and from he served in the Massachusetts Senate. (He became it’s president in 1836)
Born May 4, 1796—Died August 2, 1859 Known as the "Father of the Common School Movement" Was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1848
In 1830 he married Charlotte Messer, but she died in August 1, Remarried to Mary Tyler Peabody. Had three children by Mary: Horace Jr., George Combe, Bejamin Pickmen.
Educated himself as a child from Franklin town library. Gained admission and attended Brown University at age 20. Graduated valedictorian of his class in 1819 Attended Litchfield Law school from
On April, Horace Mann accepted position of first secretary of state BOARD OF EDUCATION in Massachusetts. List of what he achieved in his 12 years of first secretary. Campaigned for education- this campaign was held for public awareness on education problems such as poor teaching, substandard materials, pupil absence. Won financial banking for public education- Mann knew the importance of money in making educational progress. Through his efforts the; wages of teachers doubled, 50 new secondary schools were built, state aid to education doubled, and textbook and equipment.
Mann presided establishment of the first normal public school in the united states at Lexington in His ideal school he had vision would be “available and equal for all, part of the birth right of every American child, to be for rich or poor”. (8, Cremin). He improved education by advocating successfully the establishment of free libraries. Since he educated himself by ponderous volumes Franklin town library.
Fifth Annual Report (1841): An educated public would increase economic wealth. Tenth Annual Report (1846): Education was a natural right for every child. Twelfth Annual Report (1848): Rationale for the support of public education through taxation.
On the Art of Teaching (1840) A Few Thoughts for a Young Man (1850) Slavery: Letters and Speeches (1851) A Few Thoughts on the Powers and Duties of Woman: Two Lectures (1853) Life and works of Horace Mann ( ])
The Horace Mann school is a college preparatory school in New York City Grades PreK-12 In 1965 Horace Mann created the John Dorr Nature Laboratory in Washington, Connecticut. Students frequently visit this laboratory beginning in the second grade.
Took a seat in the United States Congress Became President Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio in 1853 Labor from raising funds for the college weakened his health and he died August 2, 1859.
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