Training programme Successful sale staff BSBCMM401A
Phoenix consulting High value Business Consulting
Communication skills Communication skills Negotiation Selling skills
Communication skills 1.Think before you speak Plan your presentations and other addresses to groups whenever possible, especially in business. 2.Be an active listener Listening is often more important than speaking.
3.Make good eye contact---- The simple act of making eye contact is an important part of communication with others. 4. Take it slow ---- If you speak too fast, then you'll lose your audience Communication skills
5. Use appropriate volume and tone You should speak louder when addressing a group than you would in private conversations. 6. Practice It's the best way to improve your communication skills. The more you do it, the easier it will get Communication skills
1. Prepare Before Beginning To Negotiate----- Before any negotiation, make sure you prepare for it. 2.Know What You Want--- Any negotiator should have a clear idea of what they hope to achieve through their negotiations with someone Negotiation
3.Listen To What Is Being Said----- All negotiations are essentially a test of your communication skills, and one of the most important are your listening skills. 4.Communicate Clearly When Negotiating----- Communication is important to successful negotiations is your ability to communicate clearly Negotiation
5.Know When To Pause----- All negotiations will not run smoothly 6.Know When to Close The Deal-----Do not loose sight of this goal and know when to close the deal Negotiation
Selling skills Product information Product information Skill Skill After sales service After sales service
Product information We have duties and responsibilities to provide relevant information.
1. You have to be confidence 2. Good communication skill is the key of success Selling skills
4. Active sales Selling skills 3. Additional information will be very useful
5.We have to learn to be our client’s friend Selling skills
After sales service Solve the trouble and gain the trust from our customers. Solve the trouble and gain the trust from our customers.