Learnball Teams Gold Silver
How do I earn points for my team? Teamwork! Working independently Class participation Being ready to listen and learn Not disturbing others Not signing the Red Zone Behavior Log Shooting baskets!
Team Reward The team with the most points at the end of the time period (every six weeks) will be rewarded with a pizza lunch from the cafeteria! Our first pizza lunch is on October 3.
Team Assignments Assistant Teacher Scorekeeper Captain Lieutenant Security Team player
Captain Leads the team Picks who shoots Passes out and collects papers Makes sure names are on papers Additional requests from the teacher
Lieutenant Assists the Captain Leads the team if the Captain is absent Passes out and collects papers Makes sure names are on papers
Security Assists Captain and Lieutenant Helps and reminds teammates to follow rules Makes sure team tasks are complete
Team Players Will demonstrate Jaguar PRIDE at all times Will cooperate with other teammates Will help out other teammates in need Will have a positive attitude toward other teammates
Assistant Teacher Helps the teacher Passes out and collects papers Handles bathroom passes after recess and lunch Assists with Homeworkopoly on Fridays Cannot play for either team Keeps score if the scorekeeper is absent
Scorekeeper Will accurately and honestly keep score for both teams Helps the Assistant Teacher Cannot play for either team Takes the Assistant Teacher’s place if the Assistant Teacher is absent Only the teacher, Scorekeeper, and Assistant Teacher may look at the score sheet.
Elections Team captains are elected by the class Captains meet with the teacher to select assistant teacher, scorekeeper, and team members No student may hold a position two times in a row.
Individual Rewards Not signing the Red Zone Behavior Log earns you a turn on Homeworkopoly. Earn five Golden Tickets and earn a principal’s signature. Earn raffle tickets to go to the lunch bunch.
Class Rewards Chutes and Ladders