SGA Organizational Seating Program
Mission of the Program The mission of the Student Government Association Organizational Seating Program is to fairly and efficiently allocate reserved seating as a reward to those organizations whose members demonstrate academic excellence.
Top 5 Things to Know for The changes to the contract will not affect the 2014 football season seating. The 2014 football season will be governed by the contract organizations signed last year In order to compete for block seating for the 2015 football season, your organization must turn in a membership roster to suite 3130 by 4:45 p.m. on September 15, The competition will be decided solely based on your organizational GPA, not Ignited Points The Ignited Points reward system still exists through Athletics to give individual rewards, but Ignited Points are not considered in any way in the distribution of organizational seating SGA has made these changes in order to ensure Auburn University students have the best game day experience of any school in the country and to protect the privileges our students enjoy.
Primary Modification Whereas last year’s program rewarded organizations for Ignited Points earned through attendance at athletic events, this year’s program will reward organizations for their average GPA earned in the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters. Whereas last year’s program rewarded organizations for Ignited Points earned through attendance at athletic events, this year’s program will reward organizations for their average GPA earned in the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters.
Shortcomings of Previous Systems Spirit Fabricated volunteer events Fabricated volunteer events Sign-ups and t-shirt purchases with no actual event attendance Sign-ups and t-shirt purchases with no actual event attendance Groups with more finances benefited Groups with more finances benefited Subjective point allocation Subjective point allocationIgnited Burden for participants Burden for participants Mass exodus early on at athletic events Mass exodus early on at athletic events Obligatory fandom Obligatory fandom Impossible to enforce Impossible to enforce System (OurTeam) no longer utilized by athletics System (OurTeam) no longer utilized by athletics
Benefits of New System Encourages scholarship, the role of every student Encourages scholarship, the role of every student No extra burden for participants No extra burden for participants Easy to regulate Easy to regulate Legitimate criteria with no room for subjectivity Legitimate criteria with no room for subjectivity Levels playing field among all organizations Levels playing field among all organizations
Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is there an adjustment factor for differences in organization size? A: No. Unlike in the Ignited Points system, an organization’s ability to compete with any other organization is unaffected by size. The size of an organization has no bearing on that organization’s ability to produce an excellent GPA.
FAQ Continued Q: Is cumulative GPA or semesterly GPA considered in this calculation? A: Grades from previous semesters are not considered, so each organization begins the year with a blank slate. The organizational average GPA earned in the fall 2014 semester and the spring 2015 semester is the only factor.
FAQ Continued Q: Will more weight be given to upper level coursework? A: No. Due to the subjective nature of assigning course difficulty, no extra weight will be given to any particular course.
FAQ Continued Q: Can a single organization participate as multiple entities? A: No. An organization may only register once, and must register as a chartered university organization with permanent status. Q: What if a student GAPs a class during either of these two semesters? A: Regardless of circumstance, ungapped GPA will be used.
FAQ Continued Q: Does this system favor some groups over others? A: No. Every group at Auburn has an equal opportunity to excel academically, and scholarship should be a staple of every student organization.
In Accordance with Our Creed “I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.” –George Petrie (1945)
Thanks for giving us a second, and War Eagle! -SGA Organizational Seating Program