Social Control Unit II: Culture
Social Control Every society develops norms that reflect the cultural values its members consider important For society to run smoothly these norms must be upheld
Internalization of Norms Internalization is the process by which a norm becomes a part of an individual’s personality This conditions the individual to conform to society We have to internalize otherwise society would be chaotic and unable to function
Sanctions Sanctions are rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms Can we think of any examples?
Positive Sanctions Positive sanctions are in the form of rewards This can range from smiles or nods of the head in public to public ceremonies and rewards. It encourages us to uphold social norms – it makes us feel good
Negative Sanctions It is a punishment or the threat of punishment used to enforce conformity Punishments can range from frowns, ridicule, or rejection to imprisonment or death In general: the more important the norm, the more serious the punishment for nonconformity
Formal Sanctions It is a reward or punishment that is given by some formal organization or regulatory body Ex. Government, police, a corporation, schools Examples?
Informal Sanctions A spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval given by an individual or group Examples?
Social Control The enforcing of norms through either internalization or sanctions is called social control Agents of social control: authority figures, police, the courts, religion, the family, public opinion
Social Control The principal means of social control in all societies is self- control – learned through internalization of norms!! When a society’s methods for ensuring conformity break down, social stability is lost Individuals must follow certain rules of behavior if society is to function smoothly
Assessment Create an example (do not use examples from class) of each of the following on a separate piece of paper: Informal positive sanction Informal negative sanction Formal positive sanction Formal negative sanction