Mathematics Subject Leader Network Meeting Primary and First Schools Spring 2013
Mathematical moments....proof Is 3 metres squared the same as 3 square metres?
Agenda Investigate Ofsted requirements- the journey to outstanding Explore the power of proof and explanation NCETM-Share the success from a Network team- winning a bid for improvement Investigate the EYFS- New Handbook, new exemplifications and EYFSP Updates- OUP, draft curriculum to respond
Talk about what you have done as a result of the previous subject leader session Monitoring for improvement Made to measure report – tackling inconsistencies in the teaching and learning of maths EYFS
The journey to Outstanding Compare statements Outstanding / Good- what is the difference? Teacher Standards- where are your teachers? What do you need to do?
Experiences of ‘Outstanding’
Mathematics moment proof ⅞ - ⅝ = ⅜ ⅔ + ¼ = 11/12 5/6 – ⅔ = 1/6 ⅓ x 3/5 = 3/5 x ⅓ ⅓ of 3/5 ≠ 3/5 ÷ ⅓ ⅞ ÷ ⅛ = ?
NCETM collaborative teacher project Source of funding Research into mathematics teaching and learning – arithmetic proficiency Working together – across a school or across schools Experience
EYFS 2 nd draft of proposed NC and OUP New curriculum guidance material – exemplifies maths in EY 2 nd draft responses in by 16 th April 2013 Oxford University Press website – professional support available free (videos about maths teaching and learning and download publications)
EYFS EYFS profile exemplification guidance
Ongoing assessment
Structure of the EYFS The prime areas of learning: Communication and language Physical development Personal, social and emotional development Characteristics of learning: Playing and exploring Active learning Creating and thinking critically The specific areas of learning: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design
2 nd draft of proposed NC Read the aims and purpose Read your year group and discuss – implications? Documents and response - entalinformation/consultations/a /refor m-national-curriculum entalinformation/consultations/a /refor m-national-curriculum Newsletter
From the consultation document 12.2 Disapplication of existing programmes of study, attainment targets and statutory assessment arrangements To support schools in their transition to the new curriculum, and to help pupils to succeed in the new National Curriculum tests and qualifications, we are proposing to disapply some aspects of the current National Curriculum from September This will give schools greater freedom to adapt their own curricula before first teaching of the new National Curriculum from September 2014.
Continued Schools will still be required to teach the subjects of the National Curriculum but they will not have to teach the current prescribed content of the current programmes of study. For primary schools, this would mean that from September 2013 we would disapply the programmes of study, attainment targets and statutory assessment arrangements for English, mathematics and science for pupils in Year 3 and Year 4 to give teachers greater freedom to prepare pupils for National Curriculum tests in these subjects when they reach Year 6. We also propose to disapply the current programmes of study and attainment targets at Key Stages 1 and 2 from September 2013 for all foundation subjects. For the purposes of Key Stage 1 assessment arrangements and Key Stage 2 assessment and testing arrangements in English, mathematics and science, we need to retain the existing programmes of study
Not forgetting World maths day 6 th March 2013 Networking and supporting each other Future meetings CPD needs – for you and teachers /TAs in your school