AUGMENTED REALITY Mixing of virtual reality and genuine living, as designers can make pictures withing applications that mix in substance in this present reality. Clients have the capacity to interface with virtual substance in this present reality, and have the capacity to recognize the two It is about the making of a virtual world that clients can interface with This virtual world ought to be composed in such route, to the point that clients would think that it’s hard to see what matters from what is genuine and what is definitely not. Typically accomplished by the wearing of a Virtual Reality cap or googles like the Oculus Rift. VIRTUAL REALITY
Examples Anxiety Therapy Psychologists treat phobias and post traumatic stress disorder by exposing the patient to the thing that causes them anxiety and letting the anxiety dissipate on its own Multiplayer Online Gaming One after effect of virtual-reality exploration is the presence of totally, separate virtual words, inhabited entirely by the symbols of true clients.
EXAMPLES The Nintedo WII Probably the most successful cousin of virtual reality on the market today Medical Procedure Modern medicine has also found many uses for Virtual Reality. Doctors can interact with virtual systems to practice procedure or to do tiny surgical procedures on a larger scale.
EXAMPLES Project Natal The term “CAVE” refers to any virtual reality system that uses multiple walls with multiple projectors to immerse users in a virtual world The Cave Project Natal propose a new way of interacting with games, and indeed with computer systems in general
EXAMPLE Layar Browser Augmented Reality Browser Example where you can choose different layers of substance to put into your Augmented Reality Browser permitting you to automatically find detailed content based off what your pointing your phone at. WikiTude 4.0 A mobile based Augmented Reality Example that allows you to overlay many dynamic content sources into an augmented reality view through your phones camera video.
EXAMPLE Rayon Virtual Mirror Augmented Reality Example that allows you to try on the entire range of Rayban glasses from your very own computer. Again, it works in some facial recognition where you map the key point of your face, the app then utilizes these as they directional markers to track the glasses nicely against your face.
AUGMENTED REALITY In Education, where apps are being developed which embed text, images, and videos, as well as real-world curriculums. Printing and advertising industries are developing apps to display digital content on top of real world magazines. Travelers can access real-time information of historical places just by pointing their camera viewfinder to subjects. It is helpful development of translation apps that can interpret text in other languages for you. With the help of unity 3D Engine, AR is being used to develop real-time 3D games.
VIRTUAL REALITY Education enables big groups of pupils to interact with their classmates as well as within a three dimensional environment. It is a very common theme in science fiction movies, and usually used to turn the out of this world into something that seems totally real. Healthcare It encompasses surgery simulation, phobia treatment, robotic surgery and skills training The advantages of this technology is, it allows healthcare professional to be trained with the new skills as well as refreshing existing ones in a safe environment.
VIRTUAL REALITY For business, it could be used for virtual tours of a business environment, training of new employees and 360 views of a product. Using a virtual environment for construction, an organization can present the resulting structure in 3D but also experience them in real life
AUGMENTED REALITY Used for visual and highly interactive forms of learning Creates situated learning Can respond to user input, creating an interactive learning environment, even with objects and places too big to work with in a real environment Facilities applying learning and knowledge over a wide array of contexts
VIRTUAL REALITY Can carry out tasks that are difficult in the real world Can let students experience virtual world persistence Virtual worlds can adapt and grow to meet learners’ goals and needs
Sources are-the-differences-and-similarities.htm reality-applications/film.html reality-applications/film.htmlhttp://