Update on the GRINCH Detector SBS meeting, 21 Oct 2015 T. Averett, W&M JLab, NC A&T, JMU, Glasgow Timing-based gas Cherenkov detector PMT array-510 tubes.


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Presentation transcript:

Update on the GRINCH Detector SBS meeting, 21 Oct 2015 T. Averett, W&M JLab, NC A&T, JMU, Glasgow Timing-based gas Cherenkov detector PMT array-510 tubes For BigBite Spectrometer

Status, sub-systems Mirror Assembly complete, alignment complete. W&M will procure coated Al mirrors. PMT WLS studies complete; decision to coat all tubes; S. Barcus—JLab, W&M PMTs tested—JMU. Completed. Testing wavelength-shifting coatings. Gas Panel 90% complete at W&M.

JMU, G. Niculescu, rec’d this morning Improvement in PMT efficiency with wavelength-shifting (WLS) paint on face of PMTs Blue ADC spectrum with WLS paint Red ADC spectrum without WLS paint ~50% increase in efficiency

PMT array shielding box—Received at JLab in Sept., NC A&T completed first round of magnetic shielding tests. 30 G tests next week(s) Vessel design complete, PO Issued. Delivery early 2106, JLab DAQ testing using refurbished GRINCH prototype (II) detector. FastBus TDCs. W&M VETROC DAQ tests—S. Barcus, B. Michaels—previously reported. JLab, W&M Status-con’t

PMT Shielding Box Assembly

Rear View of 3 PMTs and bases installed in the shielding assembly NC A&T

PMT Shielding assembly (on its side). Light catchers with reflective coating NCA&T

Installing the PMT shielding assembly in the Helmholtz coils for shielding tests. NC A&T

NINO front end card being tested and integrated into DAQ test stand-- W&M, JLab 6 more NINO cards & cables shipped from Glasgow—J. Annand

Design and drawings for vessel are completeFeb 1, 2015 Status: Completed Feb 2015 Photon Detector Array assembled and testedAug 1, 2015 Status: Received at JLab Aug Assembly and testing to be completed by April 2016 by NC A&T University group. Testing underway NINO cards complete and shipped to JLab Jul 1, 2015 Status: Cards and cables are finished (Glasgow Univ.) Shipped, Glasgow Purchase order issued for vessel Oct 15, 2015 Status: Issued Aug-2015, 6 month delivery. This is the critical path for completion of the project. Full DAQ system ready Dec 1, 2015 Status: Work is in progress on the new VETROC modules and on the default system of FastBUS TDCs. Prototype tests underway. Full system completed by March 2016 Vessel completely assembled Mar 15, 2016 Status: Because the delivery date for the vessel is now March 2016, we expect full assembly to be completed by Jul GRINCH ready for installation Jun 15, 2016 Status: Expect Sept Final analysis software complete Jun 15, 2016 Status: Expect Sept Milestones