Two Scientific Revolutions The Birth and Rise of the Caliphate
Epistemic and Political Authority Piety and Knowledge Experience and Knowledge Prudence and Knowledge
Muhammad’s Nature A man carrying a message The vessel of God’s word
Muhammad’s Heritage: The Caliphate Political Authority: a. First among equals b. Muhammad’s Choice c. Precedence in Islam
Muhammad’s Heritage: The Caliphate Religious Authority: a. Precedence in Islam b. Closeness to Muhammad c. Divine Providence
The Empire: Apostasy Wars What are the Apostasy Wars? Results a. Threat to Unity b. Consolidation of the Elites c. Tribalism; reconsidered
The Empire: Succession Traditional Solution; Collective Rule The Choice of Umar I The Council of Six Abd Allah ibn Umar I
The Empire: The Civil War Alī ibn Abī Ṭ ālib The Tribes and Muhammad’s family Old and New Elites Disintegration of Medina Community
The Empire: The Umayyads
The Abbasid Revolution Arabs and Persians Old and New Legitimacy New Elites
Problems and Questions Succession The Abbasid Civil War New Culture New Elites and Armies
Two Scientific Revolutions The Birth and Rise of the Caliphate