Homework due today also Slightly different, we will check homework first! Correct any mistakes on your quiz. It will be checked today in class. Go through your notes and make sure you have all of these assignments in your notebook. Pull out that work now.
Homework Due today: Answer the following questions (meaning write out the question and your response): 1. Should Muhammad have appointed a successor? 2. Should Islam have a leader, or leaders like the Catholic Church does? Due on Monday – write a response at least ¾ of a page. The UN is possibly going to vote on legislation that would make it illegal to speak badly of Islam. President Obama has yet to come out for or against. Write a brief letter explaining which way you feel our government (or your government) should vote.
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Quick review With the use of your notes, what is the main difference between the Sunni & the Shi’a sects of Islam? After Muhammad’s death Abu-Bak took over. Abu-Bak declared a “jihad” meaning struggle, because many tribes abandon Islam and other tribes stopped paying taxes. Abu-Bak used it to expand Islam’s influence. By Abu-Bak’s death, Islam covered / controlled all of the Arab Peninsula. Under the next Caliphate (Umar), Muslim armies conquered Syria & Lower Egypt. These were controlled by the Byzantine Empire.
Review Under the next two Caliphates, Islam controlled 6000 miles from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Their success was due to a few factors: 1. They were well organized, well trained and well lead. 2. The Empires they battled were in slow decline and so very weak and unable to defend themselves. 3. The Byzantine & Sassanid Empires were harsh rulers. People saw Islam as much less oppressive. 4. Those that converted to Islam, did not pay taxes so many people converted. Those that did not convert were free to practice, but had to pay a tax.
Internal Conflicts In 656, Uthman was murdered sparking a civil war. Remember, in Islam there is not suppose to be a leader, but Islam was under attack and this caused internal conflict too. Ali was Muhammad’s cousin as well as his son in-law and seemed to be the natural successor but was challenged by Muawiya, governor of Syria. Ali was eventually assassinated too. The system to choose the Caliph ended too. The family Umayyads took control of Islamic Empire. They moved capital to Damascus. Easier to control the conquered people & territories, but caused divisions.
Internal Conflicts The Arab Muslims resented the move and felt the Umayyads were abandoning the simple life that the Caliphs established and began to collect wealth. This along with the lack of leadership gave rise the division within Islam. Sunni – Shi’a Split Most Muslim accepted Umayyads authority but another group refused to accept their authority. They developed a different office of the Caliph. This new view stated the Caliph needed to be a descendant of Muhammad. They were called Shi’a (translates to “party”). Collectively called Shi’ites
Internal Conflicts Those that followed the Umayyads were called Sunni, meaning followers of Muhammad’s example. Another group, the Sufi rejected the Umayyads especially their wealth seeking lifestyle. They sought a simplifier lifestyle and devotion to a spiritual lifestyle. The Abbasids over threw the Umayyads and took control of the empire.
Islam expands The Abbasids were brutal to the Umayyads, killing as many as they could find. Prince Abd-al-Rahman escaped and went to Spain where he set up a new Umayyad caliphate. Spain was controlled by Muslims from North Africa, known as the Berbers. The Berbers eventually settled in Southern Spain and established al-Andalus. Abbasids moved the capital to Baghdad (current day Iraq. Design to have access to the trade routes. Well developed government with a treasury, defense department. A system where Ambassadors went to other countries to represent the Abbasid’s government.
Islam expands Like any government, it needs money to run. The Abbasid’s set up a system of taxing land, items imported & exported as well taxing non-Muslim’s wealth. Like other empires, their down fall was their vastness. Smaller states within the Empire began to acquire power over regions. The Fatimid Caliphate by the Shi’a. They spread to North Africa and towards the Red Sea / Middle East. The Muslims controlled the Mediterranean Sea Trade & Indian Ocean, they also controlled the land routes to Asia especially the silk trade with China.
Islam expands Because of the empire trading was easier because of the common language, the currency and the banks. The banks could establish credit called “sakks.” These could be used like a check which is what it was eventually called in Europe. Although Europe seemed to be modernized first, it was actually the Muslim world.