Mecca and the Ka’ba Mecca was a small trading town built around the Ka’ba Tribes kept idols to their gods in the Kaaba
Muhammad Muhammad had a difficult early life. He married a wealthy older women named Khadijah when he was 25. was 40 when the angel Gabriel came to him. He started preaching.
The message Muhammad would be God’s messenger. There’s one God, Allah. Continued beliefs in Old Testament prophets like Abraham and Moses. Just one God. Don’t like it? Too bad!
The Qur’an (Koran) “The Word of Allah” The Sunnah “The Words and deeds of Muhammad” (includes the Five Pillars)
Five Pillars of Islam Set of 5 rules all Muslims must live by. Given by Muhammad in the Sunnah. Pair Share: What are the five pillars of faith?
Government Islamic law is called the Shariah (shuh-REE-uh). Shariah judges the rightness of actions of communities and individuals. It is based on interpretations of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Government It sets rewards for good behavior and punishments for crimes. It was the basis of laws until modern times.
Topic: Islam Spreads Unit: Islam
Islam Spreads Essential Question: How did Islam begin to grow?
I. Spreading Islam The ideas were not accepted peacefully. Muhammad was kicked out of Mecca for preaching there was one God. He went to Medina (Hijrah) to build an army.
II. Military Conquests He returned to Mecca and fought for 3 years before conquering them and destroying their idols. The Muslims then went on to attack any tribe around them who would not change their religion. This continued for hundreds of years until they had created a huge empire.
III. First Four Caliphs After Muhammad died Muslims disagreed about who was his rightful successor. The 4 leaders that followed would be known as the “rightly guided” caliphs because they followed the Qur’an and Muhammad’s example. 632 Abu Bakr became the first caliph or “successor.” –His rule was unstable (clans abandoned Islam, refused to pay taxes, etc…)
III. First Four Caliphs Cont… Abu Bakr used military force to reunite Muslim control and conquer lands north in Syria & Iraq. The next three caliphs were: –Umar ( ) appointed by Abu Bakr. Umar spread the Islamic faith by conquering Syria, lower Egypt (Byzantine Empire), and Persian Empire. –Uthman: Part of the Umayyad clan. Selected an official edition of the Qur’an. –Ali: Muhammad’s cousin. Completed the conquest of Persia.
III. First Four Caliphs Cont… The rule of the First Four Caliphs is called the caliphate. By 661 the Muslim Empire had increased to four times its size and included all of Southwest Asia and stretched into North Africa. Looking at the Map in your Holt book on pg 81, copy the expansion of Islam on your maps in your notebooks. Make sure that you create a Map Legend.
M r. D u r a n i s B O S S & t o t a l l y m y f a v o r i t e t e a c h e r ! A n s w e r t h e E s s e n t i a l Q u e s t i o n ( t e x t m e s s a g e s t y l e ) : H o w d i d I s l a m s p r e a d ?