Paul Stirling - Turkish Village Archives A useful page to read before you begin:
Important events in Turkish history 11th century Turks invade and conquer all of Anatolia. 1299 Establishment of the Ottoman Principality 1453 Mehmet II conquers Constanstinople (Istanbul) 16th century The height of the Ottoman Empire. Suleyman the Magnificent 1918 Turkey surrenders to Allies. Turkey occupied by Anglo-French armies 1918-1922 War for independence
The REALLY important events in Turkish history 1923 Mustapha Kemal (Ataturk) founded the Republic of Turkey 1938 Death of Ataturk 1960 Military coup after the introduction of multi-party democracy 1980 Military coup after social unrest
Reforms 1924 Abolition of the Caliphate 1925 Abolition of the fez; suppression of religious brotherhoods; closing of sacred tombs as places of worship 1926 Adoption of new Civil Law code 1928 Introduction of Latin alphabet 1934 Kemal takes the name of Ataturk when a new law required Turks to adopt surnames; women made eligible to vote in elections and to become members of Parliament
Professor Paul Stirling Student of Evans-Pritchard at Oxford Stirling did initial fieldwork in Sakaltutan, Turkey in 1949 to 1950. Second trip to Turkey in 1951 in the village of Elbasi. Third trip in 1952. He continued to do field work in the area until the 1990’s.
Map of Turkey
Regional map
Sakaltutan, 1949
Sakaltutan, 1993
The Archives A Turkish Village, Paul’s 1965 monograph Paul’s doctoral thesis from Oxford Thousands of photographs Over 8,000 pages of fieldnotes All of Paul’s published and unpublished articles Margaret Stirling’s fieldnotes Paul’s research assistants fieldnotes Three formal household surveys: 1950, 1971, 1985
Some of Paul’s interests Social change Economics Migration