Welcome to Springdale School
Today’s Purpose 1.Welcome you to our school 2.Inform you of our program 3.Answer your questions Gloria Manna, Principal Laura Lynam, Assistant Principal Casey Cummings, Administrative Intern Marcia Dinella and Nancy Forte, Office Support Staff
School Wide Info Hours of Operation 8:45-9:00 arrival 9:00 Start of School Day 3:30-3:45 Dismissal Policies and Procedures Family Handbook Springdale PTO on Facebook, Twitter, School Website Organization Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Approximately students Essentials – Music, Art, PE, Media, Computer Instrumental Music Grades 4 & 5
PTO The goal of the Springdale Parent Teacher Organization is to bring together the home and the school in a relationship to ensure that parents and educators cooperate in the education and growth of each child
Academic Program Workshop Method for Academics provides all students with individualized instruction. Reading and Writing Workshop Everyday Math from the University of Chicago is supported by consultants directly from Everyday Math. Inquiry Based Science using FOSS and STC experiment kits Social Studies Trade Books and Authentic Literature Smarter Balanced Assessments
Springdale School’s Positive School Climate Plan is reviewed and revised yearly. A big part of our plan is School Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support. SWPBIS is a research-based combination of instruction, practice, feedback, and encouragement to teach behavior expectations. Social Emotional Learning RRESPECT OOUTSTANDING EFFORT AACTING SAFELY RRESPONSIBILITY
Snack and Birthdays Children are encouraged to bring healthy snacks from home to eat in their classroom. Snack is in the afternoon. Parents need to notify the nurse if their child has any food allergies. Parents are invited to come in and read or tell a story to the class or do a craft for student Birthdays.
Recess Daily recess; indoor or out
Specials Music Physical Education Computer Lab Media Center Art
After School Care There are several community agencies who provide after school care for students. ROSCCO at Springdale Jewish Community Center Activities for Kids at Glenbrook Community Center Building Blocks Stamford YMCA Boys and Girls Club Chester Addison Center
Special Events and School Wide Celebrations
Your Questions