Welcome to Week 2 in the computer lab Let’s get started!
Last week you learning step 1 of the morning routine. Today we will learn step 2! 1.Come in quietly and have a seat at your assigned computer with good posture. 2.Log in! Let’s learn how to do that now!
Logging On For the first week or two ONLY use this user name and password. Your user name and password is posted at the top of you computer monitor. ges-lab Make sure you NEVER use spaces! Each computer is different: ges-lab02mcb-lab01 ges-lab03mcb-lab02 ges-lab04mcb-lab03 ges-lab
: It is important to take your time to log-in properly. Garin Mary Casey Black Your Password: Is the exact same thing as your user name but we will add an“a” at the end (with no paces) User name: You will use your first & last initial (all lower case) followed by your student ID number jd jd a jd
Digital Citizenship What is a community? What are some types of communities you are part of? How do we behave as good citizens in our classroom community? Your school community? Brentwood? Your State and Country? Are you part of any online communities? How are online communities different than offline communities? How are they similar? What are some examples of how you can be a good member of one of these communities?
Digital Citizenship: a member of a worldwide community linked by the Internet. When we participate online—we become digital citizens. How do you think good digital citizens should behave? Let’s read a list of 10 rules that will help us make good choices in our online community. Think about each one carefully as we read it and decide if you are going to make a pledge to follow these rules. If you agree, sign the gum-ball and display it on our Digital Gum-Ball Machine on our Digital Citizen wall! We have the tools to make good online choices!
I Promise to be a Good Digital Citizen… Our Online Safety Rules 1) I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without my parents’ permission. 2) I will be safe online. I will tell an adult right away if I come across something that makes me feel uncomfortable. 3) I will never agree to get together with someone I “meet” online. 4 ) I will talk with my parents about posting pictures of myself or others online and not post any pictures that my parents consider to be inappropriate. Nothing is as private as we think. Anything I post can be copied, pasted, and sent to gazillions of people in a heartbeat. 5) I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do I will tell my parents right away. Kindness counts. I promise to communicate kindly, stand up for others, and build positive online relationships built on respect.
6) I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for going online and using a mobile phone. We will decide upon the time of day that I can be online, the length of time I can be online and appropriate areas for me to visit. I will not access other areas or break these rules without their permission. 7) I will not give out my passwords to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents. 8) I will check with an adult before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or mobile device or jeopardize my privacy. 9) I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts others. I will spread heart, not hurt. If I you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t say it online. Stand up for those who are bullied or harassed, and let them know that you’re there for them 10) I will Think before I post or text -- a bad reputation could be just a click away. Before you press the "send" button, imagine the last person in the world that you’d want seeing what you post.
We are going to take our AR STAR Reading Placement test today!
Garin: open the icon on desktop Pyramid RL
1.Click on your grade level folder 2. Double click on Accelerated Reader Mary Casey: Follow these Directions
The webpage you open should look like this: Click here
Click once on Student Then new window should look like this:
User name/Password Enter your user name (no spaces) Enter your password Click on “Log In” or press “Enter” on keyboard
Renaissance Learning Verify your name Is this you? If not, put up your red card.
STAR Test Click once on blue button “STAR Reading”
Before you begin test: 1.Read all sentences and options carefully 2.The questions are timed, so look at the clock displayed on your screen. 3.Do your best! 4.Click once on “Start”
When you finish: If you have successfully finished the test, you will see a message “Congratulations, you have completed the test.” Exit the Renaissance Learning website. Go to the next assignment. You must be SILENT until all students are finished. If you get a message stating, “Error occurred” and the website exits you: Then reopen the website, follow all steps from before to log-in again and resume the test.
Begin Test This screen requires the teacher’s password Type it carefully, once you click “ok” the test will begin (as well as the timer), so wait for teacher’s directions! This is also the last page where you can double check that this is your account (check your name!) Your name
1.Click on the Home Windows Button 2.Click on Computer 3.Click on Student Share Drive 4.Click on Websites folder 5.Double click Accelerated Reader Mary Casey: Follow these