Dunlap Community Unit School District # Harris Poll Stakeholder Satisfaction Results
3 Sample
5 Stakeholder Response Rates Surveys were conducted in April 2013 Students in grades 3-12 completed online surveys Parents completed paper/pencil surveys All teachers and staff asked to complete an online survey Response Rates: –Elementary Students94% –Secondary Students67% –Teachers/Staff95% –Parents40%
©2005, Harris Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Dunlap Community Unit School District #323 Results - Key Overall District Findings
7 Overall Satisfaction Ratings- All Groups
©2005, Harris Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Student Satisfaction Survey Results 8
9 Overall Student Satisfaction
10 Elementary Students vs. 2013
Elementary Students Executive Summary Opportunities for Improvement Overall satisfaction decreased from 8.4 in 2011 to 8.3 in 37% reported that their teacher didn’t give interesting homework. 15% of the students said their teacher did not make class fun. 38% said their teacher did not help them outside of class time. 8% of the students stated that their teacher did not like them. 14% of the students said that most other students were not nice to them. 11
Secondary Students vs
Middle School Students Executive Summary Opportunities for Improvement Overall satisfaction for middle school students decreased from 8.1 in 2011 to 7.9 in 77% of the students said that they did not like the food served in the lunchroom. 57% of the students said they do not study with other students before or after school. 21% of the students indicated rules at their school were not fair. 13
High School Students Executive Summary Opportunities for Improvement Overall satisfaction for students remained the same at 7.0 from 2011 to 2013 74% said that they did not like the food served in the lunchroom. 36% said that their hallway locker was not in a good location. 12% said there was not extra help available when they needed it. 38% indicated that the rules at school were not fair. 14
©2005, Harris Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Teacher Satisfaction Survey Results 15
16 Overall Teacher Satisfaction
17 Teacher/Staff Satisfaction 2011 vs. 2013
Teacher/Staff Satisfaction 2011 vs (Continued) 18
Teachers/Staff Executive Summary Opportunities for Improvement The overall satisfaction rating decreased slightly from 8.0 in 2011 to 7.8 in 33% said their principal did not reward outstanding performance. 30% felt that the superintendent did not show appreciation for their work. 11% said their principal did not handle student discipline fairly. 14% of the employees identified communication with their principal as an area for improvement. 19
©2005, Harris Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Parent Satisfaction Survey Results 20
21 Overall Parent Satisfaction
22 Parent Satisfaction 2011 vs. 2013
Elementary Parents Executive Summary Opportunities for Improvement Overall increased slightly from 8.3 in 2011 to 8.4 in 34% said that the District did not do a good job of communicating about the budget. 25% indicated that they were not getting enough feedback on their child's performance. 14% indicated that the school did not do an adequate job of communicating when their child had a problem. 23
Middle School Parents Executive Summary Opportunities for Improvement Overall satisfaction decreased slightly from 8.1 in 2011 to 8.0 in 25% felt that the variety of academic courses available needed improvement. 32% indicated that teachers did not communicate to them when their child had a problem. 20% rated the Board of Education less than satisfactory at improving the overall quality of instruction. 7% felt they were not treated with respect by administrators. 24
High School Parents Executive Summary Opportunities for Improvement Overall decreased slightly from 7.6 in 2011 to 7.4 in 30% rated the Board of Education less than satisfactory at improving the overall quality of instruction. 34% said that the Superintendent/Central Administration needed to improve in responding to the needs and concerns of parents. 9% felt they were not treated with respect by administrators. 12% felt that school did not provide a safe environment for their child. 25
Dunlap Specific Questions 26
27 Comparative Data
Balanced Scorecard! % 96.4% 94.3% % 94.2% 91.6%
Balanced Scorecard! % 100%
Balanced Scorecard! % % % %
Balanced Scorecard! 32
Dunlap Community Unit School District # Harris Poll Stakeholder Satisfaction Results