Welcome Back!
Worked at home, visited family, and ran some.
Lots of gardens…
Went to Portland and Seattle to celebrate my husband’s retirement.
Visited the mountains of NC.
Worked at school. I had some help!
HERD H ELPFUL Smile Be kind to others
HERD E AGER to LEARN Be a good listener Follow directions ~ Enter library quietly and be seated
HERD R ESPECTFUL Say please and thank you Raise your hand Keep hands in your space
HERD D EPENDABLE Put things away ~Keep shelves neat Be prepared for class ~Bring books ~ 4 th and 5 th bring pencils
Buffalo Bills Buffalo Bills will be given at the end of grading period IF your class has all 5’s! They are also awarded for EXCEPTIONAL behavior.
Clean IT! 1st ClassRotation 1Rotation 2Rotation 3Rotation 4Rotation 5 TOTAL KCo KCr KP 1B 1G 1S 2P 2S 2T 3A 3B 3L 4B 4W 5G 5H
Class Studies 1 st ~ Mouse Tales ( Laura Numeroff) & Tea Stories (Cynthia Rylant) Check out 2 books! Easy Nonficton Wrinkles and Baci
2015 Reading Logs ! Return
Super Specials Day Library = Computer Lab!!!! Lots of new and fun things!!!!
Churchville Elementary WEBPAGE hurchvillees/site/default.asp
Let’s Have A Great !!