EDC DROPS Status 30 November 2010 By Richie Adams
EDC DROPS Status History of DROPS Forum Late 1997 the UK Drilling Industry began first Forum Around 2- 3 years later the momentum was lost 2002 The industry recognised had to do something again Forum now stronger than ever and growing globally
EDC DROPS Status Where are we applying it Egypt for some Gupco Rigs Egypt for Bapetco Rigs Egypt for Offshore rigs for misc Operators Libya for Shell Rigs Syria for AFPC Rigs Qatar for Sneferu MOG New build Setty just arrive in Egypt EDC Rigs 8,11, 48 and new reactivations rig 1 and 54
EDC DROPS Status How we are applying it We encourage our Rigs to take ownership and remain accountable We provide support and guidance from EDC Cairo Head Office We provide a unified approach Common initiatives, common procedures and common documentation Based on DROPS Forum guidance and best practice
EDC DROPS Status Actions and initiatives Forum membership Gap analysis Surveys Inventories Reference books / Registers Training Temporary equipment registers
EDC DROPS Status Actions and initiatives Red zones TDS picture books Procedures One page DROPS alerts Tools at height Roles and responsibilities DROPS alerts (immediately following HIPO’s)
EDC DROPS Status What next Continue to roll out to all EDC Rigs EDC DROPS manual Reliable Securing Booklet in Arabic EDC awareness training for all crews Supply chain and engineering design Follow up and review
Ref Dropped object experience of the month Incident 1: Dropped Drill Collar 6.5” (Failure to secure) After loading 10 joints Drill Collar 6.5'' about 1186 Kg each the driver started moving without lashing the load which led to 9 out of 10 collars fell off the truck Incident 2: Dropped Chain (Inadequate Task Analysis and Procedure) A length of chain (Around 3 Kg) dropped from the monkey board to the drill floor (30 M) when racking back stands of tubulars. Incident 3: Potential Dropped tubing joints (Inadequate pre-lift inspection) While working with the crane to pick up tubing joints from the boat two short joints were hoisted only from one side The sling was attached from this side only Trailer side end middle stoppers failed causing the collars to fell down 2 m