Not only do they add color and flavor to dishes- fruits back a nutritional punch Carbohydrates—energy Fiber– good digestion Low in sodium & fat No cholesterol Vitamin C- Citrus fruits such as…. Vitamin A- deep yellow fruits such as…. Potassium- bananas, cantaloupes, oranges, and nectarines
Refers to the period of time where the fruit (or vegetable) is in peak supply The fruit supply is greatest and the quality if high Summer months we note melons, strawberries, peaches, and strawberries Fall months are cranberries, apples, and grapes Winter months are pears, oranges, grapefruit Spring months are pineapple and mangos
“Ripe” refers to fruits (or vegetables) are ready to eat. Some fruits stop the ripen process when they are picked such as apples, berries, and grapes This is why these fruits stay in good quality for so long Some fruits continue to ripen even after they are picked. (bananas, peaches, and pears) These fruits will decay quicker
High quality fruits have the best flavor and nutrition. Look for these signs to determine you got the right fruit: Size: Smaller than normal? Perhaps junior got picked too soon Color: Look for the full color Heaviness or fat appearance: juicy Free of damage, decay, or mold Firm to the touch If the fruit is hard it is not ripe, too soft and the fruit is decaying
What is your favorite fruit? How do you know if your favorite fruit is ready to eat? 16Sg 16Sg
Read labels and expiration dates Look for 100% juice, water, or light syrup for healthy alternatives Dried fruits shouldn’t be hard to the touch
Don’t wash fruits until your ready to use them This will prevent mold from growing, and keep fruits from getting soggy Refrigeration will help keep fruit fresh longer- use the crisper section of fridge or a plastic bag Unripe fruit will ripen at room temperature Need to ripen quick? Paper bag! When fully ripe, use at once of refrigerate
Wash your fruit! Why? Serving raw is best to maximize the nutrients we get Think of a salad, the fruit by it self, and smoothies Cooking affects fruits in several ways: Breaks down fiber and softens fruit Makes flavor more mellow and less acid-tasting Changes color
When cooked- fruits should be soft and tender Retain as much as their natural color as possible and taste good Overcooking causes fruits to lose nutrients, color, and flavor Mushy and unappetizing are included here