Skeletal Pathology
Skeletal system has 206 bones
Anatomy of Bone
Osteoporosis- Osteoporosis-disease characterized by low bone mass & structural deterioration of bone tissue normal bone osteoporotic bone
Skeletal pathology
Osteosarcoma of Femur
metastatic cancer (radius)
Giant Cell Tumor Pelvis--left ischial ramus
Giant Cell Tumor--proximal femur
Bone metastases of spine & pelvis dark spots indicate osteolytic lesions (destroy bone)
MRI scan of spine demonstrates metastatic lesion destroying C7
Osteopetrosis Failure of osteoclastosis Note unusual bone density
Paget’s Disease Note hazy appearance of cranium
Radiograph-- Scoliosis (lateral curvature of spine)
Mild scoliosis in lumbar region
compression fractures due to osteoporosis that results in kyphosis MRI of Spine
Compression Fx. Collapse of vertebra What’s left of vertebral body
Herniated disk compressing spinal cord.
Osteoarthritis of vertebral column
Normal femoral head removed after fracture. Note smooth articular cartilage.
Arthritic femoral head removed due to disease. Note rough articular surface.
Osteoarthritis (proximal femur)
Osteoarthritis anterior/ superior patella & posterior tibia
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid nodules at pressure points of elbows
Gout from sodium urate crystals deposited in joints.
Chronic gout eventually destroys bone. Early stage of gout.More advanced stage.