Normal Posture Normal posture can be viewed from the side. With normal posture you could run a line through…. Behind the ear. Through the center of the shoulder Middle of the greater trochanter. Just behind the patella In front of the lateral malleolus.
Abnormal posture Forward Head Posture Ears are in front of the line for normal posture. Lots of strain on the neck and back.
Abnormal posture Kyphosis Too much forward curve at the thoracic spine. Shoulders are rounded forward. Excessive rounding is undesirable.
Abnormal posture Lordosis Excessive forward curve of the lumbar spine.
Abnormal posture Scoliosis Excessive curvature of the spine from side to side.
Abnormal posture Improper curvature makes it difficult for the spine to do the job of providing flexibility and shock absorption.
Spinal injury prevention Alternate arms carrying your book bag. Exercise and flexibility programs. Strengthening exercise programs. Proper lifting. Good postural habits. Back Supports.