By: Abbey Jerome
Who Was The Leader Of The Protest Against Segregation? Martin Luther King Junior was a role model to colored people. Fredrick Douglass was an escaped slave, he escaped to England, but soon returned to Boston.
During What Time Period Was Segregation The Worst? During the 1950’s through the 1970’s segregation was at its worst. The tremendous Civil Rights movement of the 1950s, 60s and early 70s shook America to its very foundations.
What Was The #1 Cause Of Segregation In America? The rise of segregation must have began when slaves were freed. The south did not agree with it, so they did not want the colored people to be treated like them or even have the same rights as them.
What Event Abolished Segregation For Good? One significant event that ended segregation forever was the Civil Rights Movement. Along with the movement, Martin Luther King Junior was also an important figure in ending segregation with his “I Have A Dream…” speech.
What Are Some Examples Of Segregation In America? There were separate drinking fountains, bathrooms, busses, restaurants, schools, and even theatres!