Ground motion simulations in the Pollino region (Southern Italy) for Mw 6.4 scenario events
ITIS023 Mercure Basin Fault ITCS038 Remediello-Mormanno Composite source DISS reports that the seismogenic potential associated to such faults is Mw 6.4.
Source Model – Mercure Basin Fault Approximated 1D wave-propagation (ray theory) Lenght=22km ; Width=13km Strike, dip, rake= 335°, 60°, -90° Top depth = 1 km Mw=6.4 Slip distribution = Heterogeneous (with 2 main patches of slip) rupture velocity = 0.8 Vs
Spectral attenuation model R=10kmR=50km Rovelli et al., 1988 Cantore et al., 2011 – Irpinia 1<f<30 Hz Castro et al., 2004 – Basilicata 2<f<10 Hz G R =1/R Vs= 3.4 km/s κ =0.035 s
DSM Synthetic seismograms are computed through a modified versione of the stochastic method proposed by Boore (1983) for point source model: Gaussian noise is modulated with acceleration envelopes, computed solving the rapresentation theorem for an extend source The amplitudes are scaled applying a Reference Fourier spectrum, whose parameters (corner frequency and distance from the fault ) are inferred from the modelling of the extend source. = X Random Noise Deterministic Envelope IFFT (point-source-like Reference Spectrum) Synthetic Seismogram
Ground motion maps (PGA bedrock) scenario 1: northwestern rupture propagation
Ground motion maps (PGA bedrock) scenario 2: bilateral rupture propagation
Ground motion maps (PGA bedrock) scenario 3: southeastern rupture propagation
Ground motion maps (PGA bedrock) GMPE scenario: ITA10 mean predictions
Comparioson with empirical GMPEs
Acc. Response Spectra at 2 sites Mormanno Lauria
Strong motion data from RAN and INGV stations INGV stations
Acc. Response Spectra at 2 sites Mormanno Lauria