REVIEW OF OLD TESTAMENT TEACHING ABOUT MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, REMARRIAGE Marriage from Gen. 2:24 God instituted marriage One man and one woman The most important relationship
REVIEW OF OLD TESTAMENT TEACHING ABOUT MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, REMARRIAGE Divorce God hates divorce Malachi 2:13-16 Tolerated in the Law Deut. 24:1-4 The marriage relationship is a used to illustrate Israel’s relationship with God God divorced Israel for adultery God required divorce Ezra 10:2-3,11 Even if children are involved Ezra:10:44
A LIST OF ALL STATEMENTS Matt. 5:31-32 Matt. 19:3-12 Mark 10:1-12 Luke 16:18
Matt. 5:31-32 "Furthermore it has been said,'Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.' But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery.”
Matt. 5:31-32 Contrast between the Law of Moses and the teaching of Christ Law – permitted divorce for remarriage Christ – remarriage is adultery for the put-away woman The second husband commits adultery
Matt. 19:3-12 A question of the law v. 3, 7 Conflict between two schools of thought Jesus went to the beginning v.4,-5, 8 The rule – “Let not man separate” Divorce is an exception – “hardness of heart”
Matt. 19:9 “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.”
Matt. 19:9 The first husband who divorces his wife and remarries another commits adultery The second husband commits adultery The exception is divorce for the purpose of fornication Motive matters! (example Acts 2:38)
Mark 10:1-12 Mark’s version of Matt. 19 Principle in v. 11 is the same as Matt. 19:9 (exception is not mentioned) V. 12 show the principle applies if the woman initiates the divorce
Luke 16:18 This is the general rule (without mentioning the exception)
LESSONS LEARNED Jesus’ own disciples say His teaching is so strict that it is better not to marry! Any remarriage is adultery… with one exception: a person who divorces his/her spouse for fornication A first marriage is adultery if the other person in the marriage has been divorced or divorced his/her spouse for any reason other than adultery
LESSONS LEARNED Unscriptural marriages require repentance Unscriptural marriages require confession Unscriptural marriages require divorce Even if children are involved It is better not to marry If you marry, do not divorce If you divorce, Next week’s lesson