Presenting crime in the United States Institutional Affiliation
Introduction Definition of crime Crime against someone includes threat of force against person Crime against property involves unlawfully taking somebody’s property or deliberately damaging someone’s property.
2008 CRIME IN THE UNITED STATES Demographics of the crime for both the perpetrators and the victims. The support from UCR program and how it meets the requirement of law enforcement. The reason to access the FBI’S websites help in publication of crime in the United States.
ANALYZING THEORIES OF CRIME The way crime is the offenses that are recognized to the law enforcement. The information regarding the homicide victims and criminals, weapons that were used in the conditions surrounding the crime, and the justifiable homicides The volume or largest offense data within our country
Types of crimes I have found two major types of offenses after my research on crime, and they include: Violent crime - These crimes involve offenses such as robbery, forcible rape, murder, and aggravated assault. Property crime – These crimes involve the offenses such as burglary, arson, motor vehicle theft, and larceny-theft.
REACTION FORMATION THEORY OF CRIME The reaction formation theory of crime deals with youths who do not obtain middle-class societal norms. Main crimes involve boys who do not have the capacity to succeed, and they join Cohen called the reaction formation. The reaction formation theory is within and outside dominant culture that can be either positive or negative forces.
POWER -CONTROL THEORY OF CRIME According to my present study that is replicated from Hagans, the power-control theory includes a risk- taking that is variable. The gender disparity in control of individual risk- taking was larger for balanced household compared to unbalanced households.
COMPARISON BETWEEN POWER–CONTROL AND REACTION FORMATION THEORIES OF CRIME In my study I found there are differences in all theories of crime. The reaction formation theory of crime deals with youths who do not obtain middle-class societal norms. The gender disparity in control of individual risk- taking was larger for balanced household compared to unbalanced households. The reaction formation theory is within and outside dominant culture that can be either positive or negative forces.
DATA PROVIDED FOR THE CRIME These involve socioeconomic characteristics of the offense committed by the offenders such as property crime. It depends on the details of the crime that may include the type of weapon, and the value of the property stolen.
CLEARANCE OF CRIME Personal arrest submits the number of arrests formulated by the law enforcement. The gender, age, and the race of arrestees for the 29 crimes for which UCR program gathers arrest data. Employee data provides information concerning sworn officers.
ETHNICITY REPORTING AND PARTICIPATION SYSTEM Your remarks help us to improve the future presentation of the crime in the United States. Variables affecting crime give details about the proper utilization of UCR statistics. How collected data is delivered to the FBI.
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