Does GUITAR Playing Increase the Strength of Fingers Chad Messner 9 th Grade Bellwood-Antis High School
Problem Can playing the guitar increase the strength of your fingers ?
Background Increase body strength while holding the guitar and playing.-wikipedia This is a tool guitarists use to build the strength of their fingers.
Hypothesis Playing the guitar will increase the strength of your fingers.
Experimental Design Experimental Variable: Playing the guitar Experimental Groups: Playing the guitar and not playing the guitar.
The Control Group Not playing the guitar
Experimental Procedure 1) Subjects do not play the guitar for one week. 2) After the week has passed, record the strength of fingers.
Procedure – Strength Testing Put palm at the end of the metric balance and then push down with your finger tips to get an overall weight.
When we measured the strength of our fingers, we used our left hand. This hand was the hand hitting the frets. I chose this hand because it has more to deal with finger strength. For example, the plucking doesn’t doesn’t apply pressure and move around, it has more to do with the wrist. Procedure- Strength Testing
Experimental Procedure- Playing Guitar 1) Subjects do PLAY the guitar for one week Guitar had to be played for at least a half an hour, any time of the day. 2) After the week has passed, record the strength of fingers.
Control Variables- Guitar 1.The same guitar is going to be used throughout the process. 2.The guitar is not going to be played more than once a day. 3.Played guitar for a half an hour each day
4.The same strings on the guitar will be used throughout the process. 5.The tuning of the guitar will remain the same. Control Variables-Guitar
Also you need to play the same song constantly, without taking a break, playing the melody of the song smoke on the water. I chose this melody because it was the very first song I ever learned on the guitar and I thought it would be easy for all of us. Control Variables-Song
You want to push down with your pinkie, ring, middle, and index fingers. You only want to record the fingers on one hand. (The hand that is hitting the frets.) Control Variables-Strength Testing
Raw Data 4989grams18143 grams8618 grams 7257 grams22679 grams9978 grams Week 1: Not playing the guitar Week 2: After playing the guitar Subject 1 Finger strength Subject 2 Strength Subject 3 Strength
To summarize my data, playing the guitar increased the strength of our fingers. Strength of Fingers Mass in grams
Conclusion My data supports my hypothesis by that playing the guitar increases the strength of your fingers. Also, I found out that people who don’t typically play the guitar have a higher increase than some who does typically play the guitar.
Further Research Could have played the guitar longer. Could have made it 2 weeks of not playing guitar And playing guitar. (Over a longer period of time) Switch the tuning each day. Put a different brand of strings on. Measured the strength of fingers in another way.
Gather materials. You will need: A guitar with strings, an amplifier, a metric scale (measuring in grams), a notebook, a chord (hooks up from the guitar to the amplifier), a writing utensil, and guitar picks. At the beginning of the experiment you will need to: