Roosevelt Middle School Results Sample
Students were selected based on their eligibility for 8 th grade promotion. We worked with students who were currently not eligible, but could become eligible with increased G.P.A.’s during the 6 th marking period.
Student transcripts were used to identify students who had G.P.A.’s under a 2.0 for marking periods 1-5. Any student who had a G.P.A. between 1.25 and 1.95 was selected for the goal setting intervention.
ASCA DOMAIN: Academic Standard: B – Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial post-secondary options, including college.
Students will learn how to calculate their academic G.P.A. and determine what G.P.A. they need for marking period 6 to qualify for promotion. Students will set 3 goals on how to achieve their needed G.P.A. Both goals help students prepare for, and seek out resources for, the academic challenges of high school.
Students were given an 8 th grade promotion worksheet. On the worksheet, students were taught how to calculate their academic G.P.A.’s, figure out what G.P.A. was needed to qualify for promotion, and set goals for what grades they needed to achieve their desired G.P.A. Students finished the lesson by discussing resources that will help them achieve their academic goals.
14 8 th grade students were selected to participate in G.P.A. and goal setting activity. Students were broken down into three groups of 4-6 students, so more personalized attention could be given to each students academic needs.
Students were given a pre/post test with the following questions: What classes are used to calculate your G.P.A. for promotion activities? What G.P.A. do YOU need for the last marking period to qualify to walk the stage? What are 3 resources at the school that you can use to help make sure you walk the stage next month?
14% of students could answer 2 or more questions on the pre test 100% of students could answer 2 or more questions on the post test Additionally, 86% of students who participated found the lesson “helpful” or “super helpful”
5 weeks after the lesson was given, 71% of the students had increased their G.P.A. since marking period 5. 57% of the students had either met or exceeded their needed G.P.A. for Promotion eligibility.
Overall, the lesson was successful at helping the students understand what was required of them to finish out the school year strong, and be clear about the expectations for 8 th grade promotion. These students will be able to enter high school with the knowledge of how to calculate their G.P.A.’s, as well as how to set academic goals for themselves.
Academic Counselor: Nina Gardner-Meeks Counselor-in-Training: Amy Martinez “The mission of the Roosevelt School Counseling Program is to support all students in their academic, career, and personal/social development, so they can be successful in both college-prep level high school classes and building better communities, where they feel safe, and are socially responsible for the well being of others.”