Class of 2015 Sophomore Fall Presentation
Essential Question What’s important in the sophomore year of high school?
Key Elements Academic Record Testing Post-Graduation Planning Activities Resume
Graduation Requirements 4 credits English 4 credits Social Studies 3 credits Math 3 or 4 credits Science 6 or 7 elective credits 2 credits Physical Education/Health .5 credit Env & Ecology .25 credit Career Exploration TOTAL: TOTAL: 23.75
Academic Record and Transcript Review Courses and credits Averages Weighted percentage and non-weighted GPA Weighted = core classes and CP electives only Non-weighted = all classes
Schedule Changes Limited changes permitted now: Academic misplacement – teacher must agree! Oversubscription (drop an elective for a study hall if you have 8.0 credits) MUST have parent permission for both All changes must be made by October 26TH!
Testing PSAT SAT Maybe Keystone tests too!
PSAT -- Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test **Sophomores who have Algebra 2 right now should take this test for practice Saturday, October 20, 2012, at 8:00 a.m. Register in Guidance Office by September 13th Registration forms available today! Fee: $18.00 payable to Lower Dauphin School District NMSQT – National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test College Entrance Exam If enrolled in Algebra 2 this year, then may want to take SATs in March or June but it’s OK to wait until next fall Given on: November 3, March 9, and June 1 (Saturdays) at LDHS Register:
Test Preparation and Study Skills To prepare for the SATs and PSATs you can take a prep course and/or buy test preparation materials from a book store. Test prep is an on-going process … Read, read, read and then read some more Keep up with your daily class work Sign up for through College Board with “SAT Question of the Day” Study Skills Guide … on-line!!
Some survey results from last year…
Set some goals for yourself this year !
Post-Graduation Planning Career Planning and Goal Setting Internet Resources College/Career Fairs College visitations Military recruiters Work Experience!!!
Naviance – Family Connection Web based program for career and college planning/management Will use in Careers for interest and aptitude inventories Students can create accounts to be used throughout HS Great way for us to stay connected during the post-graduation planning process
Activities Resume What did you do last year? What are you involved in this year? What clubs/activities would you like to try before you graduate? My challenge to you – find one school sponsored activity to try this year!!
NCAA Clearinghouse NCAA sets forth academic requirements for participation in college athletics Specific courses required in HS to be eligible Meet with Mrs. Dreon to review your transcript! Sign up on sheet for an appointment
Important Dates PSAT Score Return December 13 – 7:00 p.m. in HS auditorium For students and parents Return & explanation of PSAT scores/college information Career Fair October 4th periods 1-4 Representatives from many different professions Opportunity to ask questions about careers Great experience for students trying to figure out future plans or find out more about a potential career Please sign up today if you are interested
Miscellaneous Tutoring schedule and lots of other resources available on the school website!