Who should consider a California Community College? Students choose to attend a Community College for many reasons: Undecided on academic or career goals Have not met requirements for admission to a 4-year directly out of high school Second chance at first choice four-year institution Are not ready or able to leave home Want the affordability of community colleges Want additional academic preparation or exploration in specific academic areas
Types of Programs at CC’s Certificate Programs (Automotive, Welding, Pharmacy Technician, etc.)--- gain job skills AA or AS (“traditional” 2-year degree) AA-T or AS-T
AA-T and AS-T Fairly new joint transfer program that makes it easier to transfer from the CCC to a CSU in a similar major AA-S and AA-T degrees offered in a wide variety of subject areas----but not all majors offered at all community colleges Guaranteed admission to CSU (not necessarily the CSU of your choice) GPA advantage when applying to CSU impacted majors or campuses When admitted to CSU, will need only 60 more semester units to complete bachelor’s degree See for more
Where Should I Go? 113 Community Colleges in California Most DHS grads attend Las Positas or DVC Some CCCs have specialized programs (e.g., Fire Service Technology at LPC; Culinary at DVC) Some CSUs offer preference to students from their local CCC (e.g. San Diego State) Look at
How Much Does it Cost and How do I Apply? Fees at CCCs are currently $46/unit. With average of 30 units per year, fees are about $1400/year. Apply online (free), generally in February Apply and complete enrollment steps as early as possible. LPC has Early Admission period, which typically ends in late February Counselors from Las Positas, DVC, Chabot and Ohlone will come to DHS on January 27, 2016 to talk to seniors about their application and assessment procedures
What about Testing? No SAT or ACT testing required Must take English and Math assessments after applying to a CCC to determine whether student places into college-level English and math courses. No cost for those assessments. Some exemptions to assessment requirement—varies by CCC
CCC Transfer Agreements CCCs have Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAG) with many 4-year schools. All CCCs have TAGs with six UCs Some CCCs have TAGs with certain CSUs, private schools, and out-of-state schools (see examples on next 2 slides: Las Positas and Santa Barbara City College) Las Positas has Cross-Registration programs with UC Berkeley and CSUEB
Transfer to UC’s UC has just started to offer Transfer Pathways which allow student to prepare for their major at any of UC’s 9 campuses----the same transfer requirements now apply to all campuses. Right now there are only 9 majors included, but more will be developed. (See next slide for more info…….)
CCC Enrollment Process Varies from college to college, so be sure to check the websites of colleges you intend to apply to The following slides are examples of enrollment process at Las Positas and DVC
Las Positas Early Admission Process Step 1: Submit an Early Admission Application online; receive confirmation with student ID number Step 2: Complete New Student Online Orientation Step 3: Complete English/Math Assessments Step 4: Attend an Early Admission Group Program Planning Session Step 5: Register for Classes and Pay Fees
DVC Steps in Enrollment First time college students, including graduating seniors In order to get priority registration and get in the classes you need to do the following: 1) Submit an application online using OpenCCC,OpenCCC 2) Take the online orientation,online orientation 3) take the college assessments for English and Math, and 4) register for COUNS 095 to receive academic advising/educational planning before you enroll in classes. Once you complete these steps you will be able to register for classes before students who have not completed these steps. Online orientation and assessment are completed late in the term prior to when you intend to start taking college classes, so it is important to submit your application for the correct term. Online orientation (continued…….)
DVC Enrollment, continued Register for classes through InSite/WebAdvisor on or after your assigned registration date.InSite/WebAdvisor Pay fees.fees Obtain a DVC Connect Card, your student ID.DVC Connect Card There are other steps and services that may serve you and should be explored: *Apply for Financial Aid and the Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOG)Financial Aid *Apply for Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS)EOPS
Useful Websites about CCC and Transfer Options paths/ -paths/ CSU Local Admission and Service Areas: ServiceAreas.pdf ServiceAreas.pdf UC TAG Matrix: matrix.pdf matrix.pdf Go the website of any CCC and search for “Transfer Programs”